With Diana’s mother Norma helping me with the family, I manage an office day and yet more press interviews as the Coal Industry talks inevitably break down and York Minster is severely damaged by fire
Awoken by the clock radio at 6.30am and then down to get the morning drinks. Diana had experienced a rather poor night as Daniella finds difficulty in feeding as fully as she would like from Di’s sore breasts. Then breakfast and to prepare the children for school before Norma arrives just in time to take Debbie along for me. I quickly wash my hair, shower and dress, checking with the office at the same time to let them know my estimated arrival time of 9.30am.
I find out that Jill Abbot is going to the Doctor this morning, leaving Grove House totally exposed, and that June Hamilton had declined help from Little End Road. I phone John Lamb and obtain Cindy for the morning and make off to join her. A hectic morning signing Friday’s letters and dictating quite a few more between various phone calls from the local press who had only just received their press releases. Today, Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast an interview with me at breakfast time and Chiltern Radio taped a telephone interview with me during the morning and broadcast it at lunchtime. Of course I missed both! I also found time for an office interview with The Cambridge Evening News, a meeting before lunch with Derek Weatherby, and a photo session with The Trader photographer at home.
Then the afternoon off, relaxing with Diana, collecting Debbie from school before a duck egg omelette tea. This evening I dropped into the office to get a press cutting back and started the process of gathering the news myself now that I am going solo. I introduced the album with the words ‘Life After Comart.’
News today of the inevitable breakdown of coal industry talks, the severe damage by fire of York Minster, and also fire damage at the organising contractor’s office for the coal lorry consignments. Another very hot and sunny day, but with showers starting, and much more refreshing air quality.