We were very pleased to hear from Della's P.E. teacher how her physical recovery after her serious accident had been "miraculous" and that "she was running and jumping with the rest of them with a very positive attitude"
A mild start to a month that ended cold miserable and wet during which Heronshaw and the family got the biggest share of my time. On the former, an achievement to produce piling and building control plans for the new Harnser without the assistance of the architect and then to complete the piling and excavation.
For the latter, we enjoyed two hotel stays at The Swan Hotel, Horning, and The Grand Hotel in Brighton, during which time we successfully celebrated both Daniel's 20th birthday and Mother's Day! Further work on the boat was progressed fitting a new canopy and helmsman seats to The Paxton Princess and personally being reunited with the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society in the footsteps of my father and grandfather before him.
We were very pleased to hear from Della's P.E. teacher how her physical recovery after her serious accident had been "miraculous" and that "she was running and jumping with the rest of them with a very positive attitude". My political friends would have liked me to have spent some time campaigning for the newly-called general election but the pollster who had been enquiring into our local constituency has given very little chance of success.
Instead, I had been diligently attended my council and local meetings, winning funds for Little Paxton Village Hall and a £50K St Neots Museum grant and laying out versions of the FOCUS newsletter with its self-financing adverts. I was more having trouble finding a local candidate to stand for the District Council as my successor, now that I was retiring, but prospects for opposition to John Major’s Tory leadership looked promising with an election in process.