The nation mourned the death of Labour Leader, John Smith, a man who commanded universal respect even by his political opponents and was otherwise destined to be the next Prime Minister
A month of fine and sunny weather to start the season of longer daylight hours which was a blessing for our work in two election campaigns and a surprising fillip for my first trip to Caithness with Diana later in the month.
Work to integrate a widening number of party colleagues into our LibDem group as our seats on Huntingdonshire District Council went up from 8 to 11, and we took over electing Sally Guinee as Mayor of St Neots and Derek Giles as her Deputy Mayor.
I was struggling to find enough time for training Sam but his waterwork became good and he got a 6th place out of 28 Novice Dogs at his first main event.
Personally, was saddened by the death of my Uncle Stan Bertin but the nation mourned the death of Labour Leader, John Smith, a man who commanded universal respect even by his political opponents and was otherwise destined to be the next Prime Minister.
My other major excursion of the month was to Scotland when, for once, Diana joined me and the weather was glorious; giving her a totally-false impression of what the Highlands were like and I enjoyed collecting my stag's head at last.
My daughters were enjoying events and Diana still got snacks to Brackenbury's, lunches at Happy Eaters and I took her to Peterborough to see "Blink" and "Three Weddings and a Funeral"