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Training Sam with Jim and his dog Ben and visiting his family homes and relatives and driving home to find Halloween ruined in Ulster where the latest atrocity involved two masked gun-men bursting into a pub and shouting "Trick-or-Treat" before killing seven people and seriously injuring nine others with machine guns.
I had today set the radio alarm so that, not only did it switch on at the right time, but that the volume was set so that I could actually hear it! This was just as well as I was tired and needed the call. I ran Sam across the stubble fields again for his morning walk but, the wood pigeons getting up in droves earlier and disturbing the game, he quartered well but there was nothing to find. The task of packing up and loading up then became something of a rush as I also had to see to the boat, the house next door and all else.
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After attending the Colin Facey boating auction, I took the family for a snack at The Horning Tea Shoppe, watching international Rugby Union and League matches with Great Britain beating the All Blacks.
Steve and Mary Bloom both getting jobs and Jim Bird agrees to do some dog training together
I had set the alarm radio to wake me up this morning but had inadvertently turned the sound down so that it was Sam and the seagulls that woke me in the end! A shorter walk than usual and then out with Sam in the back of the Land Rover to Horning Ferry. There Colin Facey had arranged the first of what was planned as a monthly series of boat auctions. It was a fine but chilly and dull day and attendance was reasonable but there was not a great deal of money around and few of the boats were sold. I had successfully bid for a sailing dinghy, but they would not sell it to me as it had failed to reach its reserve. This came as a disappointment in view of the auctioneer saying it was close and would ask the owner if my bid was acceptable. Just bought a few buckets and a lugsail and spars.
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On a dull, cool but dry day, training Sam and then out just before lunchtime for some soup and snacks at The Horning Tea Shoppe. Then into Norwich to see "The Secret Garden" at last before seafood for tea as Diana laid and rested with her continuing chest infection.
Germany is getting the E.E.C. decision for siting the forerunner for the European Central Bank in their country with Britain only getting the drug and medicine agency
Even longer in bed this morning but still Sam was patient and did not mess in his run. The walk to Horning via the fields again and pleasure at Sam's progress at quartering and then pointing some skylarks that did not sit for him. The customary rest upstairs after breakfast reading the E.D.P. and then out just before lunchtime for some soup and snacks at The Horning Tea Shoppe. Despite the disappointments of two attempts earlier this week, we then tried again to get into The Cannon cinema in Norwich and this time, by going very early, we managed to get in to see "The Secret Garden" and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a pity that the girls continued to argue and behave so badly.
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After an early walk with Sam, then to Stalham early enough this morning for a haircut and then to Norwich and to The Theatre Royale to see the matinee performance of Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen from Veronna", the cinema being full.
Two documentaries, one on the plight of giraffe now that Western "civilisation" interferes with the water use and supply in Africa and another about the toxic agents released in the Gulf War.
Later to bed than of late and more reluctant to get up as a result. A good walk with Sam once I was ready and I had him quartering the stubble field and trying to point properly - even if it was a false point and the game had flown away! Back for a rest and Diana joined me as yesterday but, unlike then, we made a move and got to Stalham in time for me to get my hair cut. Lunch at our favourite cafe in that town and then, stopping off at Horning to unload Diana's shopping and let Sam off, before driving on to Norwich hoping to see the film "Secret Garden".
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