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A very quiet Hayling View on New Year's Eve without the children as Di seems to lose her sense of purpose when there is nobody to run around after but we got her a doctor’s appointment on the afternoon about her deafness in one ear and she will get another medical check-up later in January. I spent the rest of the day writing up my journal for the year end and then sticking in all the press cuttings that had been collected for the past year which make quite a record.
Today started quite bright and sunny and it is nice to see how much the daylight and landscape is transformed by this; it being usually so dark on these short days of the year. Unfortunately, this did not last long and the rain returned so that the daylight ended early again. The house was very quiet this morning with neither Daniel nor the girls around. Di seems to lose her sense of purpose when there is nobody to run around after. She went off shopping for a while this morning whilst I did the washing-up before lighting a fire and retiring to my office to write up the journal for this month and year end.
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After a nice friend breakfast and taking Debbie riding in Staughton, I took Diana and Della to the St James Church family church service and then, collecting Debbie, we set off for Redgrave where we not only met Freda and Alf Butterfield and Chris, but also Mum and Ivy, Arthur and Keith Barrett who were also visiting and we exchanged presents. With Christmas stock unsold, no clearance sale in progress not stock take planned, these were worrying signs.
Then to Bar Hill to visit Di’s family where we left Debbie and Della to stay for a couple of days with Mr and Mrs Jackson. No progress being made between the USA and Iraq over Gulf talks and now the EEC nations are suggesting talks involving them to try and break the deadlock and give the peace process a chance of success.
In contrast with recent days, today was one of constant activity, which left me very tired as a result. It started with a nice fried breakfast after which I drove out to take Debbie to her horse-riding at Staughton. I then stopped off in St Neots to get the car washed by machine, after which I filled up with petrol and pumped up the tyres ready for our journey later. Home to tend the doves and fish etc and a brief respite for coffee after which it was time to load up the Range Rover and then take Diana and Della to the St James Church family church service. We had not been for some time due to health, holidays and other commitments but the attendance was a bit thin today and so our presence was very welcome. We set off to get Debbie straight from the church and then drove on towards Redgrave, stopping for lunch at a Happy Eater on the way. At Redgrave we not only met Freda and Alf Butterfield and Chris, but also Mum and Ivy, Arthur and Keith Barrett who were also visiting and so it was quite a gathering.
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After Father Christmas brought skates for Debbie I took her and Della with friend Helen Roller Skating in Peterborough, where we struggled but made progress such that they would like to go again. I got them out, dressed and home in time for tea and then relaxed this evening by carrying on with my press cuttings and watching some TV with Diana. Our health is improving but we have yet to recover completely.
At first, I started the day steadily and, after quite a lay in, I did my morning chores and then settled down to update my journal for these last few days. After breakfast, I took the girls off to Peterborough for a roller-skating session at "Rollers". Debbie had hardly taken her skates off since she got them from "Father Christmas" on Christmas day and so, as there were also Debbie's old skates for Della to wear and the outside weather had been too wet and cold, it seemed a good way to give her some proper practice. We collected Helen Cranston from Perry and set off with no very good idea of where the skating rink was to be found. In fact, we drove round the Peterborough ring road for ages before asking for help and then found that it was near to the multi-screen cinema all the time.
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Di was improving but now totally deaf in one ear after her infection but at least I remembered to buy her a card for the first time in a few years! Debbie had her riding lesson after a three-week break and I combined taking her there with a shopping trip to St Neots for a host of transactions and food.
Tonight we watched a 1946 Pathe News video about the year that I was born which was quite remarkable to see how things have changed with three further post-war nuclear test detonations the worry.
Another day of marked improvement in our health but, as Diana's infection recedes, she is left completely deaf in one ear which is worrying. She brought me my drink and I gave her an anniversary card - the first year for several that I have actually remembered! We telephoned to arrange Debbie's riding lesson and it will be her first-time riding for some three weeks but she has been very good about it. I decided to go out and get the shopping today and let Diana stay in but first I had to regain some control of my desk and undertake a host of financial transactions. I had been getting calls for money etc. This took me all morning and some of the afternoon but then I could just go out once and combine a shopping trip with taking Debbie to her riding stables.
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Read more: Friday 28th December 1990 - 22nd Wedding Anniversary