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A great holiday in San Francisco, enjoying our normal sights, and time also spent in Norfolk and also with some success in local Paxton affairs and the purchase of my own rifles, but back home a depressing month of administrative priorities and chilly and wet weather that marked the end of the line for Mum.
An Easter trip to Norfolk ad Wroxham Barns then girls enjoying their time back home hosting friends enjoying swimming and tennis and Daniel his party and new young girlfriend Dawn. I bought my new rifles for stalking and continued training Sam whilst still attended some meetings, A huge IRA bomb in a dumper truck rocked the City of London and the murder of a Scottish tourist in New Orleans so that all the world now sees the dangers of visiting America.
A month of depression and sadness as the second of my parents died and I had to start the process of emptying and breaking up their home in Stanton. Of course, Mum's end was expected for some time but, as often happens, I was still caught by surprise and had not seen her after coming back from abroad; even though I had been up to Norfolk two or three times. I know that it was a blessing to remember her from her good times of our last visit with Daniel and the whole family, and I had seen her quite regularly over the last few years on my trips back and forth, but I could help thinking that she may have bucked up if I was around rather than Freda and Alf, with whom she always argued. Mum was a very difficult person but was very human; with sun and rain the natural cycle of her personality, but she was always fun and good company for the children.
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