Broad Family Videos 1986
By 1986, I had acquired the latest hand-held video recorder had the quantity and quality of films available was better but much of the family enthusiasm for being filmed had waned and so, to be honest, had the author's enthusiasm! Therefore, the number and length of videos recorded in this year is less, but the ones that were taken are the more interesting for it; representing, as they do, the development of the children
Here are some videos, still unedited of my family life in 1986. Again, outings predominate and this year's entries detail the completion of 'The Creation of The Hayling View'; an edifice I built by buying two adjacent riverside houses (Nos 6 & 7 Willow Close, Little Paxton) which, together with a group of leisure plots I also acquired, was formed into a 6-bedroom mini-mansion with swimming pool, inside conservatory Koi Carp pool and riverside full-sized games lawn for tennis, bowls and croquet. Creation of The Hayling View
I had by now invested the money that I had raised from the disposal of my Comart Group of microcomputer companies to Kode International PLC and I had finished the voluntary year I had dedicated to Directing the trade association I had previously founded, The British Computer Manufacturers' Group.
Now boating and collecting had become my major pastimes and I was starting to do more research and writing about family and local history
Family pictures in the new Playroom 2nd February 1986
Debbie and friends playing Friday 14th March 1986
Della speaking and walking Friday 14th March 1986