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A difficult cold, wet and windy month with some frosts during which Daniella's Convalescence was interrupted with trips to Scotland and Norfolk. It opened with Della in an uncomfortable traction in Holly Ward, Hinchingbrooke, and continued with the problems of getting that leg straight for healing and ended up with the plaster and problems of comfort that this brought. This plaster encased her chest, hips and all her broken leg down to the tips of her toes.
She became quite inconsolable after a while, thrashing around and scratching until two nurses managed to console her and I stayed to eventually get her off to sleep. At least Della was home and happy by the end of the month, and I was able to take a break, watching sport and catching up with work. With our employed nurse, we eventually managed to get back to some sort of normality and Debbie recovered from the trauma of the experience and resumed her horse-riding. Kimbolton Prep were attentive and learnt from the experience and deployed additional bus safety measures. Della’s moods change from complete happiness and serenity at best to black depression at times, but she ended up playing well with Debbie.
I did manage to make flying visits to Norfolk to lay up my boat, adjusting the moorings and exchanging the boat cover and leaving the bungalow in good shape and to Scotland where, despite it pouring with rain and I damaged my nose, I found that all was well with my forest. Once back home, I was sorting out the problems amongst my St Neots Liberal Democrat Town Council colleagues with the fall-out between Michael Pope and Ross McKay the big issue. My leadership of the Hunts DC LibDem group was no problem and went well by contrast.
There was not much time for Freda or Mum as the plans and progress there seemed to have been delayed. The outside world was still full of news about negotiations for European unity and for Yugoslavian peace the struggle between Serbs and Croats in Yugoslavia continued unabated. The Government's Autumn Statement on the economy also went down like a lead balloon. More newsworthy was the mysterious death of Robert Maxwell, the Mirror Group Chairman, lost overboard at sea from his yacht allegedly when trying to pee!
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