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Sam slept in a while, on a very cold and breezy today with snow flurries coming from the north, but I paid the price when I got to his run and found he had made a right mess of it!
A day at home working with Derek finishing off the advertisement copy for FOCUS as the Liberal Democrats had collected around £1700 advertising revenues. Then a relaxing day watching sport as Debbie offered to walk Sam.
I was nudged to get up this morning as Diana was having a lay in and walking the dog was down to me. I was up and had time to get showered and my hair washed as Sam actually slept in a while. However, I paid the price when I got to his run and found he had made a right mess of it! A fair walk with him and then back to cook the breakfast. Diana was not at all keen on me having a fry-up but the girls were also on my side and so I was able to get my way provided I also did the clearing up afterwards. I fried a nice meal but then Diana decided that she wanted half of mine to save me (she said!) from the cholesterol.
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A day at home as it snowed overnight and again at times and started settling. An early walk with Sam with Della taking Debbie to the bus stop and buying her Saturday sweets and then the rest of the morning sorting out my papers, paying bills and then updating this last couple of days' journal.
A relaxing afternoon watching sport and then to the cinema this evening to watch a corny but good adventure film called "Under Siege".
I arranged to be called especially early this morning and awoke to see a sprinkling of snow on the ground. Out to Sam earlier at 7.15am and then, after a short walk, put him away until after breakfast with Diana and the girls. Della joined me for the walk to the bus-stop with Debbie and then on the local shops where we bought her Saturday sweets - a packet of Rollos and three little chocolate buttons. Sam was bouncy and excitable after a week away from the family and he "kissed" Della by licking her lips, but she was very good about it. The rest of the morning sorting out my papers, paying bills and then updating this last couple of days' journal.
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Back to Paxton on a day that drizzling all the time. And then got progressively colder becoming really icy with snow and gales forecast for the weekend.
Daniel had phoned to say that he was ill with ‘flu and so I started sorting out my computer navigation and then set off early for home. Relaxing later to read all the mail and local newspapers.
Della was especially pleased to see me today and I was pleased to see that she has stopped plucking out her eyebrows and eyelashes.
I had been expecting both Steven and Daniel to be at Horning on this day, but Steve went back late last night, and poor Daniel telephoned to say he was ill and would not come to work further on his boat today. He has the 'flu again and did not sound at all well. I was out early with Sam on a day that got progressively colder whilst drizzling all the time. After my chores and taking Doris Vincent to Wroxham station, I got into the boat and went through all my charts and copies of Admiralty Notices to Mariners (Small Craft Editions) preparatory to getting my computer navigation programme, Wayplan, updated.
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After a nice dry and sunny morning walking Sam to the village for some shopping and then continuing to clear my Horning gardens, building up the dyke-side verge, Steven visits to review hydraulics and spend some leisure time with me.
I slept well and awoke to the sound of my Teasmade for the second day running. I was ready and out soon after 7.30am but Sam was already awake and active and must have roused himself at dawn. A good long walk with him into Horning village to buy more milk and bread against the expected arrival of Steven this morning, when I would not have enough time for walking him thereafter. It was a nice dry and sunny morning and so I went out to continue clearing the grounds, completely clearing the area behind Sam's kennel and then removing the compost heap. I made a bed of branches alongside the drainage dyke and then piled the material from the compost heap on top; thus building up an even wider base alongside the road.
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