The year catching up after the death of my father, settling Mum back into Stanton and Freda and her family into Redgrave. Daniel was off to UEA, Debbie starting Kimbolton and we said farewell to The Lady and bought The Paxton Princess for our summer cruising in the heatwave.
Debbie exchanged Sundance’s livery in Offord for a much better stable at Staughton. I was spending more time in Horning, renovating the thatched garage and planning the replacement of Heronshaw. T
he Poll Tax was eventually Thatcher’s downfall, as she was replaced by John Major which brought local attention and this time, unlike her Falklands exploits posturing for the Gulf War did not save her and, locally, I had election success as well and there was great news later about the Channel Tunnel breakthrough.
The Soviet Union suffered an escalating series of moves that broke up this superpower. Lech Walensa, the former Solidarity leader, won the Polish presidential election and Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, swept to victory after reunification in the first all-German election since 1932