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Opting to take the trip with Diana to Bedford for coffee at Perrings and lunch at Tesco’s whilst still progressing my investment plans and administration on the way and during our time there. Also making sure that the architects had precise instructions and briefing my financial and legal trustees so as to get advice on contesting the planning terms that the Broads Authority were proposing for the Heronshaw redevelopment.
The news was full of the United Nations Security Council Meeting chaired by John Major (it's his turn) and comprising all the heads of government of the permanent members trying to set the new course for this institution now that the cold war has come to an end. The kidnapper of a young female estate agent got away with £175K after the police failed to track him.
I had much more administration to do but decided to go with Diana to Bedford for a shopping trip this morning so as to be social in line with my new priorities! She was going direct from taking the girls to school and so I had to rush and get a lot of things ready for the post before we went. Della cried when we left her in the classroom because they had changed her classroom around and she was not sure where to sit. Of course, Diana blamed me for disturbing the set routine and so it was all my fault! Then I let Diana take the wheel and drive on to Bedford whilst I opened the mail and got my letters ready for posting.
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After a large unexplained loud bang at 4.15am, which makes us take care to lock the house, our breakfast was marked by the girls playing a game of saying ‘opposites’ to what they meant, which was ‘fun’. Then to catch up on a huge mail and bumper package of papers for the forthcoming HDC Policy Committee meeting. With me due to be in hospital for my operation next week I had to send apologies and instructions in relation to all manner of meetings etc.
Diana heard a loud bang or crash during the night and suspected an explosion or something but could find nothing untoward. There had been a lot of shooting in the fields opposite lately but we can think of no other reason why there should be that noise at 4.15am in the morning. I just stressed to the family that we should keep doors locked at all times we are settled into the house and yesterday's experience during the meeting just reinforces the need for this in my mind. Down in time to have breakfast with my family this morning and fun with the girls who were playing a game of saying "opposites" to what they meant which ended up quite a business to follow.
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Della’s physiotherapy appointment yesterday went well, and she is now encouraged to ditch her crutches and move naturally to eliminate her limp and will soon resume using the school bus. A day of office work and company administration for Glisson Printers Ltd., prior to a meeting later after I had also attended a Hunts DC ratepayers meeting at Pathfinder House.
The latest business surveys are all doom and gloom and I hear many local stories of companies going out of business, but the stock exchange still rises crazily.
It was good to be able to "lay-in" until 7.00am and then get ready and have breakfast with Della and Debbie. Della had her physiotherapy appointment at the hospital yesterday evening and had been advised to give up her crutches and even to resume skipping, sports and other games which is good progress. Her limp is reducing, and the advice is that it will disappear but we shall reserve judgement and believe it when we see it. The morning papers for the first time in a few days. The latest business surveys are all doom and gloom and I hear many local stories of companies going out of business but even yet the share prices go up on the stock exchange and I cannot believe their contrary optimism.
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Returning to Norfolk for launch of the Paxton Princess after she had her propellor shaft tubes modified for the fitting of the rope-cutting Spurs. I also had the chance to polish the hull and rub down and varnish the two lower mahogany rubbing strakes before she went back in the water.
After lunch, I re-fitted the mast, aerial and canopy and then hooked up the power so that I could try out the P.C.Wayplan system again with less success this time. I then left the vessel for them to fit the emergency steering and davits.
I was tired as I drove home and, after chasing architects about the Heronshaw plans to no avail, settled for an early night
It was another very early morning, as I was woken at 6.00am and set off in the thick fog towards Norfolk. At least the mornings are better than the night journeys as the daylight comes to relieve the visibility. Arrived about 9.00am, the fog and traffic adding about an hour to the minimum time that I achieve in the summer. By this time "Bobby", the experienced marine engineer with a Yorkshire accent, had already removed the starboard screw and was fitting the phosphor-bronze collar onto the fibreglass-covered propeller shaft tube which seemed to be a much better way of securing the spurs holding blocks.
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