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Leaving Anaheim on the Freeway via St Clemente for breakfast and then to the The Seven Seas Hotel in San Diego.
Then by car to the Embarcadero, where there was a display of classic ships including the Star of India. Enjoying the hot and sunny weather. Later, phoning Wiggly finding her much more settled than of late
I was the first awake today and was keen to start the day and get my UK messages at the same time.
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We recovered from a car breakdown this morning and eventually had an exchange Lincoln which was almost identical.
Another gloriously sunny day at Disneyland followed with waits for the new Indiana Jones ride, Star Wars and some others after the "Jungle Book" parade.
A nice letter followed from Wiggly today
We slept well enough and Diana was the first one to awake at 5.30am and made us some morning drinks.
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I managed a call to Dan on his 23rd Birthday, as Di's period restricted our day and time for our return to Knotts.
My philosophical letter to Wiggly did not go down well and I found her in a prickly mood.
I slept well again after going to bed at 9.00pm and I woke us all up at 5.00am which, after all, still represented a full eight hours sleep.
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On another gloriously-sunny day, we dropped of the girls to Disneyland &and Diana and I drove off south to the Pacific Coast to see Newport Beach and the Balboa Peninsula. I managed a call/message to Wiggly who I was missing badly
A good night's sleep, interrupted only by the sound of a car alarm from the communal parking area but we did not think that it was our own. The family awake and me to connect to CIX where I found no replies to my messages.
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