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Diana, I and the family do well during a month of contrasting weather in which the decoration of the Hayling View and landscaping of its gardens nears completion. Our trusts and investments also thrive in contrast to the widespread economic and industrial gloom characterised by falling shares, currencies and growing unemployment as the UK is de-industrialised by Thatcher; now embattled in her mission to defeat the unions and resist South African sanctions which aim seems doomed as her ally Reagan is over-ruled by congress. Riots at home and bomb attacks elsewhere threaten stability and social order as major disasters and ‘accidents’ are all too often but the USSR/USA arms limitation talks seem to be bearing fruit as political parties divide on nuclear disarmament
September comes to an end as an unusual month, weather-wise; one of the coldest, yet sunniest on record. After the early frosts and cold winds in the month during which we had the coldest September day since the 1950s, we then had a fortnight of fine sunny weather such that only the mists and rapidly shortening days reminded us that it is not summer. We have all been well, and Daniel’s eye blurriness has only turned out to be strain. He is finding both me and his school rather exacting over his work these days and is now expected to do 2 ¼ hrs homework nightly but, part from annoyance over him damaging his new brief case, we are getting on well together and he does try (sometimes!) . Steve was a visitor to join Daniel and clean the pool for swimming and Daniel was visiting Claire ‘to listen to records and watch TV’ . Debbie started her first year as a ‘Junior’ and has added ‘Brownies’ to her ballet and horse riding and loves all manner of play and activities with me still reading her ‘The Country Companion’. Della is quite a little person now and a persistent, if frustrating, conversationalist.