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A full day working on the shuttering and enclosure of the storm outlet after a more comfortable night and then having to stand in for my sick gardener with spraying later. High Court proceedings end up with the release of 20 children but there were 113 taken away from their families in all which need consideration. Thatcher prevents EEC progress on budgets and trade measures, her supporting publisher, Murdoch, takes over the only Alliance supporting paper and Ulster murders occur daily.
A nice night with our balcony door open to create a through draft. It was 80+degF in our bedroom even so and ours was the coolest room in the house. Just shaved and dressed again after my swim late last night and then down to the kitchen, when I just had 10 minutes to feed the doves before breakfast. Wheat flakes again, then dressed in jeans and to my office. Though still warm, today was less humid than of late. Did one or two urgent things of paperwork, then was driven outside by the sight of Pete doing several things wrong in the garden.

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Working on the house and riverside whilst having swimming interludes with Daniel and his friends until late in the evening on another hot and humid day. We hear of potential reforms introducing democracy South Korea, potentially ending the riots, the courts and the Commons review the child abuse custody cases
A hot and humid night and then the day continued in the same vein. Just shaved and dressed this morning, as I intended to swim later, and then out to feed the doves before breakfast. My morning meal of wheat flakes with the family – the flakes were Jordan’s newer ones and they seemed harder and crispier than usual. Out to the riverside after and started work shifting more earth. I had set myself the task of levelling the previous works, now that the earth had settled quite a lot. Hard work chipping away at the dry clay surface with a spade and then carting the barrow-fulls to and fro. Took me until lunch to do a good half of it.

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Working on the moorings and swimming in the pool on a very warm and humid day and organising a barbecue by the river to take advantage of it. Then more earth shifting all evening as Daniel and Jason went off in their boats until late, worrying their mothers. The Liberal/SDP merger talks generate more friction but the members will settle the issues in a ballot. Three US soldiers are killed in an explosion in Bavaria, and Cleveland Social Services are under siege due to their child-abuse doctor referrals with 20 court cases pending
Was fast asleep this morning when Di woke me with my morning tea. It had been a hot and humid night and I had shed my pyjama top to keep cool. To the bathroom for a shave and then I rounded up Daniel, Debbie and Della and took them swimming in the pool to cool off. This early in the morning it was still 70degF outside the pool and was to become more than 80degF later. In to have our fried breakfast, which Di had cooked perfectly for once. After this I went down to the riverside and put on the two remaining mooring post caps, despite Daniel nagging me to take him to get some petrol. I gave in afterwards and filled up his 5-gallon tank on the understanding that he would clean the Range Rover and polish the Daimler for it. He then cleaned the Range Rover until Jason arrived and then they played on their boats all day.

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Shopping in St Neots at Di’s insistence, some new shoes for Debbie and time at the library before a Happy Eater family lunch together and an afternoon trip to Holywell to see the ‘well-dressing’. News today was of continued riots in South Korea, and a mounting SDP/Liberal row, where Dr David Owen says that he will not be a member of a merged party
A bit of a restless night again, that ended with being woken up by Diana and accused of pushing her out of the other side of the bed. Sat listening to the radio, before moving to the bathroom, but still made breakfast all right. Read today’s paper for a little while and noticed that one of my investments, European Home Products, is on the takeover trail again, with another Rights issue planned. It makes me doubt their stability somewhat. Was going to do some paperwork in my office, but Di persuaded me that I should go shopping in St Neots with her and the girls.