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A generally mild month with some days approaching near record temperatures for October. The family were generally happy and well as Di celebrated her 42nd birthday with a new car, Daniel settled into university and we all enjoyed a trip to London and its attractions.
I had been successfully dividing my time between gardening, playing my part in local politics and making periodic working trips to Heronshaw where I seemed to be making progress. Di and I were just about keeping up domestically, without our former staff Pete and Joan to help us. In local affairs, the Liberal Democrats, bolstered by our recent national by-election success in Eastbourne, were making progress on the local council and I was now concentrating efforts to get neighbouring branches to put up candidates and mount effective campaigns of their own.
I remained quite the local personality and was making a difference for the Little Paxton Village Hall and on the Parish and District Councils. Elsewhere. John Major’s City honeymoon with the ERM came to an abrupt end and the FT100 index had already fallen back. Former Prime Minister, Ted Heath, seemed to have secured the release of the elderly and infirm British hostages from Iraq.
In a ceremony at the Brandenburg Gate in its restored capital, Berlin, the unification of Germany was celebrated after sovereignty was returned by the War Powers; USA, USSR, France and Britain having held their last meeting. Poorer news as stock exchanges were sliding again with the news that the US President and Congress could not agree on a way to reduce the budget deficit. Worse still, rumours are of advanced plans for a U.S. invasion in mid-November.
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