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October was a month of unseasonably fine UK weather and the family were well this month as we celebrated Di’s 40th Birthday, Daniel loved my new Apple Mac and the children had outings and friends to stay. It was time to protect the swimming pool and The Lady from frost, and to take her to her winter flood mooring and the cars were cared for too. The conservatory base-work was progressed without too much mess and difficulty and I did a lot of work on the Games Lawn this month. Still time to progress my Little Paxton History and to give my first two public talks accordingly. Time also on my investments, vehicle history enquiries and planning my 1989 diary. I was still spending lots of time on local politics and amenities and helped local intuitions to survive planned extinction and got approval for my new suggested Byelaws for The Playing Field to combat dog fouling, but the Tories voted down my proposal to increase grass-cutting cuts from 10 to 15 per year. I witnessed St Neots Tory Mayor Bill Longford going against Town Council resolutions in voting for a Tory financier Twigden’s development proposal and ensured the local press were then castigating him. I had also been rejuvenating the local SLD party for the forthcoming election campaign. The Labour Party Conference went fairly well, with surprising unity displayed but the Tory Conference has to be held in strict security and their plans for freezing Child Benefits, banning GCHQ unions and their energy, education and health policies were even being opposed by their own party members. Also, a raft of poor economic statistics and factory closures are blows as is the Government loses its ‘Spycatcher’ case which reveals how the surety services plotted to undermine Harold Wilson’s Prime Ministership. The Ulster troubles continue with the 2700th victim killed. The Greek ship Jupiter sinks with British school parties aboard, air crashes kill dozens and protests in Yugoslavia and Pakistan kill hundreds more but the greatest casualties are in the Philippines hurricane.
October was a month of unseasonably fine weather after the poorer and wetter stuff earlier in the year. We had remarkably warm and mild days with the grass still growing but wealso had a few bright and sunny days after a cold and frosty start rather rainy autumn days with leaves falling, which was to be expected. The family is well and back to routine after a holiday rest. My Mum and Dad seem much better than of late after Mum’s shingles attack as we found out when they visited unannounced. And the word from Cornwall is that my sister and family are well too. We celebrated Di’s 40th birthday early with an extensive lunch at Wyboston Lakes, and then a present-opening and game session after I had a frenetic time with the girls choosing cards and presents, wrapping them and getting them ready to deliver them to her!