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This was an altogether quite remarkable month and one dominated by politics, marked by the End of Thatcherism, and her replacement was the Huntingdon MP, John Major, in whose constituency we are politically active and whose family we know well.
The month continued with all the poignancy of the anniversary of my Father's death as last year at this time he was dying slowly and tragically. In tribute, I paused on the 11am on the 11th of this month for the Cenotaph commemorative silence remembering my father who died at this time of year from skin cancer probably provoked by his war-time exposures.
Freda completed her first six months trading of Redgrave, but we have yet to see any figures. Debbie's schoolwork was going well, coming first in History, and she was enjoying her riding too. Daniel was coping well with his Computer Science degree work at UEA and brought home his new girlfriend Angela, who is studying Chemistry. We heard about the interview and tests that Della has to take to get into Kimbolton for the 7's entry next February.
I managed to get over to Heronshaw twice this month and succeeded in breaking the back of the outstanding work by jacking up the garage and under-pinning the structure with brickwork. There had also been serious management and financial problems at my new investment company, ON-SITE Training, which took three meetings to sort out.
Thatcher's Conservative leadership crisis came after a succession of opinion polls, gave the Tories very little chance of winning the next election and showed disgust with their economic policies and the Poll Tax. After a disastrous local election result, and a clinical assassination of her in the Commons by her former minister Sir Geoffrey Howe, Thatcher saw the writing on the wall and withdrew from the second round of a leadership contest. The Tories divided between two strong candidates and recent Chancellor John Major became the compromise choice.
I was therefore thrown into a frenzy of activity, both in terms of publicity with a round of radio and TV interviews, Radio Cambridgeshire came on the telephone for an early interview and in securing a parliamentary candidate for our party to act as opposing spokesman otherwise I would have had to stand myself! All this as I was in the middle of a personally active political month working on the Little Paxton Parish Council, the Village Hall Committee and the Huntingdonshire District Council leading our party group into marathon Council sessions to hold the Tory majority to account
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