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Looking after Della at the start of a more relaxing day with Daniel and Angela at home and then dropping off jumble for the LibDems event in St Neots. Angela worked on her chemistry, photocopying a friend's notes after her bag had been taken in Norwich and then carried on studying afterwards and I heard from Mum who was worrying about the alterations to Redgrave to house her
Awoken early by Diana today after she thought that I wanted to get up. Then I got into bed with Daniella and cuddled up to her which is my best way of getting her to wake up in a good mood. Di had already eaten breakfast with Debbie before she went to school but I had my meal with Della and then Angela came down to join us as well. The chores this morning and then I loaded up all of goods we had collected for the jumble sale and drove down to the St Mary's Church Hall, St Neots, to give it to the Liberal Democrats.
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Taking Diana to Bedford on another mild day and noticing how rundown it appears in the recession and getting back in time for Della's nurse to leave.
Then taking a stubborn Della with us for lunch at The Little Chef after which Daniel arrived with Angela and set up the computers for Della to run games on
After the normal morning routine, I took Diana along to Bedford to do some shopping and we started, as usual, with coffee. I noticed how run-down Bedford was looking with the economic recession; many shop fronts empty and the department and furniture stores deserted. At the same time, there we lots of street-traders trying to make a living and not doing particularly well at it. I let Di go to do some Christmas shopping afterwards whilst I walked along to Peacocks Auction Showrooms.
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A better day as Della gets out on her wheelchair, Di and I visit St Neots for a Christmas shopping trip, I get back to Council and LibDem business and we try restarting our routine.
The police returned and got Debbie to give a statement about Della's accident, but they are unlikely to pursue criminal prosecutions. Good meetings and some time with Derek Giles in the evening
I had stayed up even later than usual last night and consumed too many walnuts and too much sherry in the process. Della was slower to get to sleep than in recent days, having got rather too excited (I think) over her extra mobility as she gets used to her plaster. She also slept in so that her nurse had to get her washed and dressed after breakfast. I drove Diana to St Neots and we did a whole host of chores that had been building up including getting a dozen books to Martin McColls and hand-delivering a number of things.
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As Diana’s sickness improved and Della became more comfortable playing balloons and generally expending some energy after weeks of restraint, she was not very keen being interviewed by the police but was well tended by nurse Howard.
I tried progressing Nigel's idea for fostering grouse-shooting at Thormaid today but it may be that the recession is biting so hard that it would be difficult to get the guns together, but we shall see.
After a slightly late night, I slept very well and so, it seems, did the rest of the family. Debbie had been sick a couple of times late last night and Diana had improved and today they were both recovering. We decided to let Debbie stay at home in bed and that was welcome news as she would have had a biology exam today! Nurse Howard arrived on time and spent her second morning with Della only this time she managed to meet Diana who was up and about today.
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