Another unsettled night in warmer weather heralded a busy morning catching up with mail, returning phone calls and preparing for meetings and then the evening attending a committee meeting of the Kimbolton School Society which noted how well and lucrative the fireworks display was but got bogged down on the Christmas Fair details. A great plan was agreed for a "Murder in the Castle" which will be a select dress dinner for forty or so parents joined by ten actors.
Sir Geoffrey Howe is to address the Commons tomorrow and Tory leadership contender, Hazeltine is flying back from Germany to consider whether to openly stand for the party leadership
Did not have a particularly good night, even though I was back in my own bed again. The weather is so mild at the moment that I have trouble attaining the right temperature and my bed is so much harder than that at Heronshaw. The normal morning chores; fish, doves and plants were OK but the de-humidifier in the classic car garage fills up remarkably quickly and was no longer in action as a result. Di went shopping in St Neots this morning and so I had a bit of a rush to prepare some financial transactions for her to do for me whilst she was there. I then spent most of the day on my political council work and on returning telephone calls and messages. I was contacting the press and radio media to whip up interest in the full district council meeting this coming Wednesday and then being interviewed about it for the broadcast news.
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I also decided to decline a dinner party invitation to the home of Marion and David Woodbridge for reason of not being here at weekends and she revealed to me the ulterior motive of trying to get me interested in joining David on a 6-week narrow-boating holiday and so this was just as well. The rest of my time until this afternoon was then spent on preparing typed notes for the council meeting ahead of a Liberal Democrat group meeting the following morning. There is so much to say and to oppose that I think that this meeting is going to be very long and acrimonious. This evening, I had to go to a committee meeting of the Kimbolton School Society, and this was rather long and tiring but quite productive. There was general satisfaction with the Firework Display which had proved very lucrative, but the meeting got bogged down with the matter of the Christmas Fair details and did not finish until nearly 10.00pm.
There was one good new event decided upon which is "Murder in the Castle" which will be a select dress dinner for forty or so parents joined by ten actors who, after dinner, will act out an "Agatha Christie"-type murder mystery ending with the apprehending of the culprit after a series of shocks and surprises! I shall definitely go to this, take a couple of friends and enjoy a theatrical dinner. Home late and soon to bed but did take an opportunity to listen to the news. Sir Geoffrey Howe will be addressing the Commons tomorrow and Tory leadership contender, Hazeltine is flying back from Germany to listen to what he has to say and will then decide on whether to openly stand for the party leadership. It should prove to be an interesting event.