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Diana gives birth to a baby daughter after I have rushed down to London and complete the deal to sell Comart to Kode and then rushed back to appreciate my even happier event
Another glorious sunny morning that moderated to a warm but dull day. Awake at 6.45 as normal after a certain amount of sleep, a cup of tea with Norma and the family and then to phone the Delivery Suite to see how Diana had fared. I spoke to both the sister and to Di and the opinion is that she has started a slow labour, her waters have broken and that I should call again at 12.00 for progress. I manage to phone two of Diana’s friends to put off engagements and also cleaner Joan to check arrangements. Together with Norma, we get the kids dressed, fed and ready for school and she leaves for home; and me for the office dropping Debbie off on the way.

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Tiresome day planning for my company sale tomorrow keeps me at the office despite my parents making a visit and then I take Diana to Hinchingbrooke Maternity Hospital and then leave her for the night as police powers are increased for the Miners’ Strike
This was a monumental day as Diana was starting labour in hospital later but it began with me getting up as usual and to the office on time for a personnel meeting with Deana Plummer, a keen and attractive young marketing graduate, who has been unsettled recently with her role and salary and felt she was being held back. A good review in prospect has addressed the situation. At 8.30am June Hamilton arrives to help and we start the last week’s Board Minutes and the redrafting of a Comart Staff Announcement. At 9.30am discussions with an angry Richard James, my solicitor from Ashursts with two projects now giving him aggravation –Kode PLC is still the worst with their multiple advisors and preoccupation with detail at the expense of business concern and expediency. 3/4 phone calls to and fro to advance as much as we can before Richard ran out of time. I have agreed to have the Comart Directors available to meet the Merchant Bank tomorrow afternoon prior to the signing. A lunch of sandwiches and then over to Little End Road in early afternoon to review the latest matters with Derek and John. Kode have input a range of difficulties and then telephoned to refuse a chance for Peter Smith to be at a Byte Shop Directors and Managers briefing meeting this evening for the most unsatisfactory of reasons. In the middle of all this a phone call from Deana to say that my mother and father had arrived unexpectedly!

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Gradually got going and worked on The Lady and my company minutes whilst enjoying a fine and sunny day as there are mutual claims of intimidation in the Miners’ Strike and other minds turn to disarmament
A good sleep until 8 o’clock and then a morning mug of tea whilst I finished yesterday’s Economist and then The Sunday Times and my journal to keep me in bed until 10.30. I did, however, get up to have my fried breakfast for a while. Then out with the ducks and only nine eggs as we have not been feeding them too well lately. A day of little effort and less achievement but I did manage to fix a security bracket to the new French windows to our room’s balcony. Also to saw down the row of conifers in front of 39 Gordon Road as they were getting too big and blocking out the light.