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Attempting to get back to normal but a crisis for Diana is only averted after some intervention as the bank rate leaps to 12% and share prices follow Sterling and go the other way
Another morning preparing the drinks and breakfast with Deborah a bit fretful over having to eat and drink at the same time as everybody else. Daniel off to school and then Debbie taken to school with packed lunch and eager to go on her trip today to the Waterways Museum at Stoke Bruerne. Home to finish the clearing up, wash up the crockery, collect and store the duck eggs. Then morning coffee and an outing with Diana to Huntingdon to do our shopping at Mothercare and Tescos before a fine salad lunch for both of us at the riverside snack restaurant whilst Daniella slept soundly in the car carrycot outside. Home and I started my first effective work on the boat whilst Di looked after Daniella. Afterwards I came back to the house to find Diana in tears with a sudden, painful and engorged left breast.
I prepared a bath for her to soak and recover, but she deteriorated further into shivering and then spasmodic shaking. I called the Doctor and arranged for the loan of a breast pump from The National Childbirth Trust agent in Cambridge.

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Getting back to family life and dealing with Media and Industry enquiries whilst my Mum is getting better as High Court injunctions are the latest weapons to threaten the miners
The first night for some time that Diana and I shared a bed; now that she is returning to normality. I get up first at 7.00am and make the drinks after an unsettled night. Diana insisted on keeping both bedroom doors open and so I followed Daniella’s awoken spells. After our morning drink together in bed, downstairs to prepare breakfast whilst the children dressed and then a brief meal before taking Daniel to school. He was showing round a new pupil today and had to arrive early, so I drove him to Kimbolton, barely returning home in time to take Deborah to school. A quiet morning, taking and returning phone calls and messages passed on from the office. A personal profile is arranged for Electronic Times and ICL MD Rob Wilmott’s secretary phones to arrange a social meeting for drinks next week.

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With Diana’s mother Norma helping me with the family, I manage an office day and yet more press interviews as the Coal Industry talks inevitably break down and York Minster is severely damaged by fire
Awoken by the clock radio at 6.30am and then down to get the morning drinks. Diana had experienced a rather poor night as Daniella finds difficulty in feeding as fully as she would like from Di’s sore breasts. Then breakfast and to prepare the children for school before Norma arrives just in time to take Debbie along for me. I quickly wash my hair, shower and dress, checking with the office at the same time to let them know my estimated arrival time of 9.30am.

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Family time together recovering on another hot and sunny day as some of Di’s relatives come to see the new born baby
Awake at 7.00am to find Deborah already downstairs and so to prepare the morning drinks and wake up Diana and Daniel. We sit in my bed and drink them together and chat happily about the baby and the planning of holidays. Then up with the children to prepare a breakfast of cereal and fruit juice with toast to follow. Then, for me, back to bed to read The Sunday Times until up and washed by 10.00am and outside to release the ducks (collecting 12 eggs from 13 ducks,) do the washing up and tidy the house.