A lot of time with the children on a warmer and sunnier, accompanied by Della at every step first thing and then the evening with Daniella and Debbie with their homework, until Debbie went off for her ballet lesson.. A visit from my Mum and Dad midday on their way to see Freda and Alf in Cornwall and Di stayed home today to see them as her father was in hospital today for a prostate operation. Arms talks between Shultz and Shevardnadze were ‘off to a good start’ today and it now seems that the way will be paved for a Reagan/Gorbachev meeting, but the Iran/Iraq talks only achieve limited progress and the 26 white Dewsbury rebel children, whose parents refuse them attending a mainly Asian school, are now being taught in a pub, as talks are deadlocked there as well
Awake a couple of times during the night and felt a bit groggy this morning. Di brought me my tea and then Della arrived soon after to ‘keep me company’. I had trouble shaking her off and she followed me into the bathroom for a shower as well. Slowly shampooed my hair and completed my bathroom routine and so I came down to breakfast in my pyjamas to be with the others for 7.45am. Dressed after and then helped Della wave to Dan & Deb, as they walked off to catch the bus. With Di’s father going into hospital today for a prostate operation and not being in Cambridge, Di decided to stay at home to see my Mum & Dad, who were dropping in her on their way to see Freda and Alf in Cornwall. She spent the morning putting the holiday photos into folders, as I sanded off the rest of the balcony and painted the rails with primer. I got Pete to mow the lawns, as the rotavator is still under repair. A nice sunny and warm day. Della played out the front on her bicycle, as I worked up the ladder. Mum and Dad arrived about 11.30am, after we had already had a morning drink at 10.00am. Still made another drink to welcome them on a brief visit.
We exchanged holiday and birthday presents, they used our toilets and then we waved them goodbye. I then took Di and Della to the local Little Chef for a ‘waist-preserver’ lunch, before being brought back home and leaving them to drive off for the enrolment session of ‘Tumble Tots’. I carried on sanding and painting all afternoon, until the schools came out and the pupils filed past. Samantha Watson (one of Daniel’s ex-Little Paxton classmates – now at Longsands) came over and approached me about help with her geography project. She is to study ‘Changing Communications and Occupations in Little Paxton’, and I arranged for her to come and see me next Thursday evening. Debbie was soon home and played with Amy until after tea, when they went off to ballet. When they returned, it was time for homework. Debbie did quite well, if a little slowly, and drew a nice picture for geography and finished her sums for maths. Daniel worked all evening, under pressure from me and, although he did some good maths, he became tired and made a hash of his English. I have now determined that he cannot see his friends during the week and must concentrate on his work. News today is of the meeting between Shultz and Shevardnadze and the talks being ‘off to a good start’ and Shultz feels that the problems are solvable. It now seems that the way will be paved for a Reagan/Gorbachev meeting and a letter from Gorbachev is passed over, which Reagan ‘was very pleased to receive’. They did sign a side agreement on communications protocol to avoid accidental nuclear confrontation. At the Liberal Conference, leader David Steel addresses the troops and adopts a decidedly anti-Thatcher stance. The other speakers also criticise David Owen as causing all the trouble. Meanwhile, Labours NEC vote to change the way in which candidates are selected, to incorporate a membership vote. Perez de Cuellar could only achieve ‘limited progress’ in his shuttle mission and the conflict carries on unabated. The coal dispute is deadlocked, with ACAS now saying that they cannot help further. Now, an overtime ban is due to be implemented next Monday. The Dewsbury rebel children are now being taught in a pub, as the disagreement is deadlocked there as well. Police chiefs call for an end of ‘the right to remain silent’ for a suspect under questioning and this will spark off a degree of controversy.