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The RREC newsletter is delivered this morning with our advert within and then my Reliant arrived this afternoon, I managed to start it and, now dubbed ‘Percy’, I drove it up and down Gordon Road which was quite fitting for ‘Comic Relief day’! The continuing industrial unrest hits the ferries and the NUS backs down but tens of thousands of Fords workers will be out on official strike after the weekend. After the Herald tragedy another ferry door falls off!
An anticipative night, mindful of the arrival of the Reliant tomorrow, but slept in the end. Was awoken to my morning tea, Daniella, and Di naked to be weighed on our scales, which was a stimulating combination. Showered, shaved and went down to breakfast and sat there for some time with the others. Had a croissant to eat this morning. Retired to my office after and read the morning paper and then looked out for the post. At last the RREC Advertiser arrived, with our insert in it, and now we can wait for any responses to our ‘call for Corniches’. Completed my registration and insurance forms and then made an early lunch in anticipation of the van arriving at 11.30. I ate my salad with no sign of them and it was about midday that he eventually arrived. The Reliant van is in good condition, considering its age, and we rolled it back into the inner garage. It is recently painted in BL Brooklands green.

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A poor and disrupted start to the day feeling a little poorly before I perked up after a ham salad lunch with Di’s mum, Norma, and then I heard about a possible new Rolls Royce and of the delivery plans for my Reliant van tomorrow. Then to take Debbie for a good horse-riding session as she masters the troublesome Dylan. The industrial strife continues with Dover hot over ferry cancellations as 500 lorries queue, the workers reject a deal at Fords and ken Baker abolishes the ILEA, enraging teachers and Londoners alike, which is just political prejudice as are the plans for privatising electricity supply
A day that grew better as it wore on. Rather slow to wake and get ready this morning. My jaw was rather sore after yesterday and a headache and shivery sensation persisted after breakfast. In fact, I had only eaten water melon for this meal and that was probably a mistake. I read today’s paper whilst the children got ready for school and then, Debbie having taken the wrong shoes and my requirement for an Exchange and Mart from the paper shop, I got the Range Rover out and did both errands. Once back I scanned the E&M for possible Corniche convertibles and registration numbers, but found little that was suitable. Then the mail arrived with no R-REC advertiser yet, after two weeks, which was a disappointment. As I felt under the weather, I had lit the log fire and then made myself a coffee and ate three plain biscuits and took two headache tablets. I improved slowly this morning and had achieved little on my history before lunch. Di's Mum came for a ham salad lunch, which we all enjoyed and then I made more progress sorting my disk files this afternoon. Had two calls today. One was for a RR Corniche that was Exeter blue with magnolia trim, but was £46K and 1982. It had only done 18000 miles, but had absolutely no documents or history, being a repossessed hire purchase car. The other call confirmed the Reliant’s intended arrival at 11.00am tomorrow.

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The morning at my Dentist’s appointment and getting some folders before Chrisula visits with her babies later as Di helps her to settle in to Sandy. Daniel does well in his geography GCSE mock exam but is too young to drive the Reliant yet. More protests and arrests of nurses today in Downing Street and Trafalgar Square until eventually a delegation was allowed to present a petition as every London hospital has pickets to end ‘non-urgent-operations and the BMA wants an extra £1,500 million of NHS funding.
An early night and slept well to make me much more rested this morning. Up, showered and dressed in presentable clothes for my visit to the dentist in St Neots this morning. First I had a couple of hours and so I read today’s paper and then worked on my history files for a while. Drove in without any trouble from floods etc. The water is down and Pete back to working in the garden. I was at the dentists on time and he handled my filling well. It is the last molar on my lower jaw. It had a broken cusp and this was the last filling possible, as it would have to be crowned next time. He gave me injections around the area and cleaned up my teeth while it took effect. I did not feel any pain from the drilling or filling, but my jaw was numb and sore for most of the rest of the day. Bought a couple of folders from the stationery shop and, once home, had my morning coffee and sorted out my Reliant papers ready for the vehicle’s arrival on Friday.

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Awoke after yesterday’s tiredness to see the river subsiding and the Games Lawn clear and muddy but off to Cambridge with Di for coffee in Eaden Lilly’s and lunch at The Copper Kettle after researching Reliant information which was one of only fifty made before the war and was used for delivery of pots and pans until 1948! The government are opposing pay rises for nurses, with Thatcher hitting out at their strikes, a TUC delegation was disappointed to get no response from the Health Secretary at a meeting today whilst the Republic of Ireland are protesting at the lack of prosecutions due to a cover up in the RUC ‘shoot to kill’ investigation. Now the Seamen’s strike goes ahead today against the threat of ‘secondary picketing’ fines for the NUM, The Lords, banned the promotion of homosexuality despite ‘lesbians abseiling from the balcony’, Reagan is trying to get military aid for the Contras again
Awoke fairly early today, still tired after yesterday’s exertions and a series of late nights. Got up slowly, but steadily, and made breakfast at 7.35am, but the whole family had gone by then. Decided to join Diana on a trip to Cambridge this morning and just wrote up some of yesterday’s journal before it was time to go. No sign of the R-REC Advertiser in the post today and we wonder how much longer it will now be. I drove the Range Rover to Cambridge and parked in the Round Church car park and we arrived at Eaden Lilley’s coffee shop just at the same time as Di’s parents. Charles and Norma are all in a muddle over their new house – things everywhere. Di’s brother and sister are even worse off and Chris is not happy with their new house and facilities in Sandy - but then they have all brought these things upon themselves by moving in the first place. We treated them to coffee and then Di and I looked round a few shops, as Norma looked after Daniella. I went to the library and checked on vehicle and driver registration and licensing. It seems that the Reliant still classifies as a tricycle with tax at £40, rather than £100 a year, but Daniel can only drive at age 17 years – the same as for a car or motorbicycle. Also looked in bookshops for anything on Reliants, but failed miserably.