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Planning the future of how to service my Reliant, completing the purchase of my two registration numbers VXD-1 and YXD-1 and preparing for the arrival of my Rolls Royce. Della caused mayhem at lunch with spillages. Some more EU agricultural support measures, The RCN are balloting members on strike measures but the Seamen and their employers are sensibly settled their differences.
Slow to get going this morning and the children complained that I arrived an hour late for breakfast (!). Just wheat flakes to look forward to (actually some melon as well). I read today’s newspaper afterwards and received a few more interesting things in the post for a change. There was the catalogue and price list from the Austin 7 people and the latest circulars and ballot papers from the SDP. I then cleared up my office, packed the history files and things away, and worked on the parts catalogue, planning an order of things to get the Reliant engine in the best condition. Also turned round an insurance non-quotation for the Corniche, the AA delaying their reply for the wrong reason. Heard about VXD1 today and agreed to buy it for £2100 + the £80 transfer fee.

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Up somewhat frustrated over bedtime and morning drinks as a wet and windy weekend is in prospect but I am soon reading the Investors Chronicle which reveals market nervousness but the Exchange and Mart had better news and I found two registration numbers that would suit for now, YXD-1 and VXD-1. More work on my book rather than my Reliant as Thatcher still battles France and Germany over the CAP and the USSR and USA ships clash over navigation in the Black Sea. Now Thames Water workers are balloting for a strike
Awoke quite early and went off in search of my morning tea. I had been frustrated last night, as Di had gone off to bed without getting me my bedtime drink. Was showered and dressed in time for a hot croissant with the others and was actually at the table before Daniel! Read the papers for a while. For once the Investors Chronicle had arrived on a Friday and so I read that too. The commentators are getting universally nervous – even those who had been bullish until now – and the charts all point to recession. Studied the Exchange and Mart registration numbers again and adopted a new idea. As I could not find suitable car or name initials, I would buy two close numbers VXD1 and YXD1 at only £2500 each and put one on each of the Rolls and Range Rover.

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Receiving the Austin 7 manual for the Reliant on a more bright and settled day, searching for suitable ‘cherished numbers’ for the Rolls Royce and then making arrangements for a planning office to visit concerning my conservatory. Taking Debbie riding who does well on Flint and then to my journal and history project. Thatcher again isolated at a European Summit over the agricultural budget, a delayed meeting with Ireland’s Haughy and the government will widely not prosecute Stalker over revealing his findings. The TGWU funds the UK Ford Strike which has already spread to Belgium and the NUS is fined over the Seaman’s strike
Slept well enough and awoke just as Di was bringing in my drink. No Della bouncing on me first thing, which was a help. Was ready in time for boiled duck egg and toast ‘fingers’ with the children, which we all enjoyed. Quickly read the paper and then the post. At last my old book on the Austin 7 engine arrived and I read it through. I think I can see how to tighten down the crankcase, but this lack of battery charging is a bit more difficult. Then the Exchange and Mart and the latest issue of ‘Classic Cars’. There were no more Corniche convertibles up for sale, which was a relief, as the Chelsea Workshop confirmed receipt of my cheque this morning. The ‘Cherished Numbers’ section gave me the biggest headache, as I had great trouble finding a suitable registration number for the new Rolls for a reasonable price.

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Della made an active start to the day to wake me up and then accompanied neighbour Amy for the morning who was not well enough for school. Then to complete the deal for my Rolls Royce Corniche, which involved paying a third and having some work done, and to contact the Reliant Club for more help and information. More trials and tribulations with the SDP/Liberal Alliance as a neighbouring candidate calls me, allegations that the RUC were behind the discrediting of John Stalker’s ‘shoot-to-kill’ enquiry, South African troops crushing a black homeland uprising, in favour of Lucas Mangope, the Appeal Court finding against the UK Government on Spycatcher and Vauxhall workers join the NHS demonstrations as Birmingham consultants claim that people are dying unnecessarily
Today was intended to be a day hard at work in my office. Still tired this morning after the traumas of yesterday and my peace of mind was not aided by Della jumping up and down on my bed when I was still to wake up! Showered and dressed ready for breakfast after Daniel had left the table, then quickly read today’s paper as the children made ready for school. Poor Amy Law had to come and stay with us again, as she felt dizzy and so she kept Della company all morning, building a new truck from the construction set. I settled down to my history this morning, working on Rose Lawn and finishing it by lunchtime. Had to wait a while for lunch, as we were expecting Chris from Sandy and she was disgracefully late.