A large box plus some re-fills of Fimo modelling material for Debbie
A large box plus some re-fills of Fimo modelling material for Debbie

Walking a poorly Sam twice at each end of a very short winter’s day and then office tidying tackling my large in-tray. Then some last-minute Christmas shopping and finally helping Mr Porter, my plumber, to tackle leaks and clear up afterwards

I was tired again this morning after another late night in my office. First breakfast and then taking Sam for his morning walk. The poor thing seemed to be constipated and then to have the runs before being sick with the grass he had been eating. I was wondering if it was time for him to take some more worming fluid before he bucked up and behaved more normally. I think that he has eaten too many pieces of bone from the large one I had pacified him with yesterday.

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The rest of the morning and much of the afternoon clearing up and then re-organising my office which had become too cluttered again. I borrowed Daniel's keyboard and installed it onto the portable so that I could put this computer out of the way and use the colour monitor and external keyboard. Then to make my way through the items in my swollen in-tray, writing letters and sending faxes. In particular, I was pleased to order an external spare wheel cover for the Discovery and get it sent directly to the artist who had agreed to paint a picture of Sam onto it.

Apart from that. I had a lot of bills to pay and many other matters to deal with. As dusk approached around 2.45pm, Diana joined me for a drive into town and so I gave Sam a little walk, popped him in the back and subsequently got Di to drop me off with him so that I could walk back across the common. In between time, some last-minute shopping for Debbie's present at The Toyman section of Barrett's department store. A large box plus some re-fills of Fimo modelling material so that she can make lots of jewellery.

Upon my return, I found Mr Porter, the plumber, responding to my call and this then meant the rest of the day first helping him tackle the en-suite shower leak and then clearing up afterwards and repairing another one myself that the earlier work had caused. Late at my desk writing up my journal into my new computer combination and then a bath before bed.