Some family time and catching up with the news and economy as Thatcher defends her business links and Dominic McGlinchey, the head of the INLA, is captured in a gunfight after two years on the run
Awake very early and unable to sleep again. Glad to find that I am warm and comfortable having recovered during the night. Deborah persuades me to read her a long story – Snow White which I can do because the Times arrives late. Then to a breakfast of toast and back to bed to lay long reading the paper, Economist and other trade journals and other information from my briefcase. Up at 10.00am and to wash and dress to the radio 4 news of the papers and week in Parliament. Still rows in the House of Commons this week about the personal attacks on Mrs Thatcher about family involvement in the Cementation Construction contract; and mixed news on the budget.
Not ready until after 10.30am to let out the ducks and I am interested to note that one of the eggs is only just laid and, as I feed them on the slipway, another is laid. I see that 10.30am is certainly not too late a time and possibly 11.00am would be reasonable if it were not for the noise they make. Off to St Neots with the family, meeting Daniel after school at Preslands as usual and then to the Happy Eater and home. I purchase two hats from Barrett’s today and also a bag of coalite from Eaton Socon. We then spend the afternoon and early evening restoring the house to order and lit a good fire in the lounge. News today of the capture of Dominic McGlinchey, the head of the Ireland National Liberation Army, in the Irish Republic after a gunfight – he had been at large for two years. The Nottingham coal field (the second largest) voted today against a strike but Arthur Scargill insists that a national majority are in favour. In Brussels, common market agricultural ministers reach tentative agreement on prices but the British are dubious about the result. Today I watched Scotland beat France and win the grand slam at Rugby Union. Diana retired early tonight, tired through exertions with restoring the house to order. I, to bed a little late after television and the news.