Whilst still monitoring the financial news, also calling by the public library and driving the family to the Godmanchester Riverside playground to build a case for its retention before home to find sewage being discharged into the Great Ouse from my outlet and then this evening to the Kimbolton School concert with Debbie playing the recorder in the prep orchestra, meeting the recently bereaved John Braga. News today of Irish cooperation on bomb disposal and several risks being found at London underground stations after checks
Slept better last night and at last my ‘full’ feeling seems to be subsiding – though I know not what causes it. Got up and dressed this morning and was on time to breakfast for the first time in a while. I sat in the corner, swapping places with Deborah as she is always causing difficulties opposite Daniel. This morning I read the Investors Chronicle and Financial Times. Everyone is still very nervous about the markets, but the takeover activity in the oil industry has brightened things up a little. I went out later to feed the doves and had a coffee with Di when she came back from her chores. It was Debbie’s morning for music practice with the school orchestra. Though hers is the most junior role. Then I took them to St Neots, where I collected my shoes from the menders (nearly £10 for a new pair of soles and heels), bought an Exchange and Mart and checked that my name was on the copy of the new draft electoral list in the Public Library. Afterwards, I drove the family to Godmanchester and took a look at the playground problem, resolving to try to save the old one as being convenient to the boating visitors, including ourselves.
Home with them all. Amy and Catherine coming round to play for the afternoon with Debbie and Della, which they all enjoyed. I spent some time composing another letter to Godmanchester Mayor before it was time for tea. Away with the ducks and doves again and I noticed that the sewage pumping station in Gordon Road had stopped again, releasing an overflow of sewage into the river again! I had to alert my neighbours and report the matter to Huntingdon District Council Emergency Services again, which is annoying, as they have done nothing since last I complained. At least this time Mr Gunn, one who is a Parish Councillor, will be making an official complaint. This evening, off to Kimbolton School to see the Christmas Concert. A nice and enjoyable evening, with so many earnest and practiced youngsters. Debbie played recorder in the Prep Orchestra. At the coffee interval I spotted and spoke to John Braga, a former Director of mine who tragically lost his wife, Jean, in a motor accident this year. His son was playing percussion in the band and he seems to have coped at least with the tragedy. Home a little late, but I could still write my journal before bed. News today of a deal between Ulster and the Republic of Ireland to deal with bombs in each other’s territory, where found. Safety inspections have found five risks at four London underground stations after checks.