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My meeting with Mr Forscutt being this afternoon, I spent this morning and evening pouring over the treasure which was the Little Paxton Scrapbook and I agreed to buy a Canon portable photocopier from the salesman on the strength of it. More fascinating artefacts were forthcoming. Thousands free from an Iranian advance on Basra, more revelations about Guinness and a power struggle in China head the news.
Slept well, if somewhat fitfully, thinking about the Little Paxton scrap book and the problem of transcribing it. Sat in bed a little while before being flushed out by Di, bed making, so that I had to get washed and dressed. The children had mostly eaten by this time, but I was there to see Daniel off and then Debbie. Dressed in my sports jacket and trousers, expecting to visit Mr Forscutt this morning, but was mistaken, as I could see from my diary the ‘date’ was for this afternoon. Worked all morning at a number of letters and bills to all and sundry and it was lunchtime before I had cleared most of them. A nice lunch with Di and Della, if somewhat fraught with the girl’s misbehaviour of late.

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A very enlightening and motivating session with Mr Jack Ramply of Southoe, formerly of Grove Farm Little Paxton, who shared his historic scrap book with me that was first complied by Benjamin Inwards as a row is growing over the decision to suppress the BBC programme on a security surveillance project
To bed after midnight, but slept well to make up for it and was only awoken at 8.00am. Sat in bed with my morning tea and was disappointed to hear that the England cricket team had lost an evenly balanced 1-day match to Australia in the latest cup competition. They were tired in the field, after 2 days running temperatures of 100degF+. Quickly washed and dressed ready for breakfast of fried egg, bacon, mushrooms, bread and tomato and today the children were given a fried breakfast too and enjoyed it. To my office after and read the Sunday paper, before it was soon time to get ready for my trip to see Mr Jack Ramply. Quickly fed the doves and ducks and loaded up the car with my folders etc and set off for Southoe. Found his house (the last on the right hand side, at the top of the hill part of the church) and he greeted me in a friendly way and we settled down on the dining room table in front of a log fire.

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Off to St Ives for the antique auction viewing after looking after Della in bed this morning and then back via Great Paxton to look at the old ferry site and then I heard from Jack Ramply today with an invitation to view his precious Scrap Book. This as The Argyle Group threatens to sue for foul play over the Guinness takeover and a whole series of knife attacks take place in Jerusalem, Wimbledon and Soho with a bomb attack killing 21 in Tehran as the Iraqis bomb Ayatollah Khomeini’s headquarters. Rumours emerge of the BBC being gagged over a secret government project
Sat up in bed with my tea this morning and called in Della to sit with me. She had taken all of her bed clothes off saying they were ‘too tight’ and was freezing. She will be taking her 2 ½ year assessment at the clinic in the coming week and I am sure she will hold her own against the other ‘totts’. To the shower and shaved then dressed for breakfast. I had checked Daniel’s room and was trying to get him to tidy it, when I found that he was already due to go out to catch his school bus – he has to go early on Saturdays. Sat reading the post in the kitchen, waiting for Di to get the girls ready for a trip to St Ives. The mail was disappointing – no cheque from Vinters, which annoyed me. I will have to wait until Monday to pay it in now. Put the burglar alarms on, fed the ducks and doves and then got ready to set off. Saw the new occupiers of 39 Gordon Road through their windows.

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Visit to Huntingdon to collect photo copies from the record office and morning coffee in the ‘Chelsea Tea Rooms’ and overcoming Della’s strange moods before a ‘kebab’ lunch with the family before putting them on the bus home as I stayed late researching in the Huntingdon Library. This as £25m-worth of share bribes were uncovered in the Guinness City scandal
Sound night’s sleep, but was still slow to rise and down to breakfast, after the children and family have already left the table. Today’s the day the sale of 39 Gordon Road reaches completion, but we have planned a trip to Huntingdon. First looked after Della, whilst Di took Debbie to school and then briefed Joan on today’s gas and electricity meter readers, before getting the car ready for our trip. Left quite early for Huntingdon and parked in the car park near the bus station and walked to the ‘Chelsea Tea Rooms’ for our morning coffee. Della is in a strange mood – she keeps awake until late, lays in bed until late and is then on a knife edge between glee and gloom in alternating measure.