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Good progress typing up the Little Paxton Scrapbook after an unsettled night concerned about completing this difficult task. This whilst Diana is thus forced to go to Bedford on her own and I was also hearing from the Paxton Park Maternity Hospital Matron keen to help with my history and again from John about electronic publishing and before I spent some time with Debbie and Daniel; with me trying to improve Dan’s English. Reports about Terry Waite are more optimistic, Thatcher comes out in support of Chief Constable Anderton, an all-out strike of GPO engineers is on but the stock exchange rises up some 8% this month
A very poor night. Late to bed last evening and then, Di having had the electric blanket on during a mild night, it was uncomfortable. Mind also active, as I had typed in 3 parts of the Little Paxton School dispute and was laying with mind alert wondering about the outcome! As always, sound asleep when my morning tea came and slow to get up. Still, finish showering and shaving in time to be dressed for the later start of breakfast. After the meal, continued my labours on the Little Paxton history book, although Di was disappointed I would not go to Bedford with her. A long job today, hampered by two electricity power cuts, but thankfully, I was following good practice and backing up my computer storage diskettes at regular intervals and was not much put out.

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Late up after working hard yesterday and then straight back to inputting history from Jack Ramply’s Little Paxton Scrapbook and then hosting a visit from John Lamb later who wanted me to consider returning to business with him! Then a meeting at Samuel Jones’ Paper Mill, where I discover their archive of photos and documents before home to review Daniel’s home work with him. News that President Cory Aquino is to announce an independent enquiry over the mass killings of 8 demonstrating people by her armed forces, The New Statesman prints details of the supposedly secret government spy satellite project and now Terry Waite has been missing for far too long in Beirut after visiting hostages
Soundly asleep and tired when asked to sit up in bed for my morning tea. To the shower, where I also washed my hair, and then I dressed in sports jacket and trousers for a meeting or two later on, before breakfast. A meal on my own again, as the children had already finished their meal. To my office directly and started again the process of inputting the scrap book to my word processor. I was typing in the details of the Little Paxton School dispute in the 1880s, which was quite a todo! The whole morning typing and half expecting John Lamb to visit for a coffee. I also lit a fire in my office and cleared it up a bit, which was well worth doing anyway and so I was not put out. No sign of him by lunch and so I had it as usual and carried on typing until mid-afternoon.

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Finishing the 30th page of Scrapbook transcription on a very foggy day before taking Debbie horse-riding as 6 people are on trial at The Old Bailey charged with murdering PC Blakelock and reprisal killings take place in South Africa
Slept soundly on a slightly mild night and awoke to my morning tea to find the day’s weather very foggy. Washed dressed and shaved in time for breakfast with the others and had a nice meal, with Della only slightly misbehaving. Straight down to my work today, though starting with a fair headache that only got worse until taking two aspirin before lunch. Di returned to provide a salad lunch and a couple of mince pies and cream afterwards, left over from Christmas. Back to work and kept at it throughout the afternoon, finishing the 30th page of typing of the transcript from the Little Paxton scrap book.

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Forwent the normal Tuesday outing to Cambridge to carry on transcribing the Little Paxton Scrapbook but Diana still goes and sees her parents there. Two more directors of Morgan Grenfell resign over Guinness irregularities, a further radioactivity leak at Sellafield have exposed 12 workers, GCHQ have lost their human rights case for union representation and the BT dispute has 30,000 engineers suspended and 60,000 more on strike
A while before we slept last night, due to a few exertions, and then slept the sleep of the just. Awoke to a slightly milder day – rain was falling lightly and a slight thaw is in progress. Had breakfast on my own again, the family having already eaten theirs, and then went straight to my office to continue the transcription of the Little Paxton scrap book. First I had to organise my diskettes and made back-up copies of the work I had done so far, for safety. Then the morning typing in descriptions and details of the contents of the scrap book, working on until 1.00pm, before making myself lunch. No sign of Diana before then and so I made a salmon salad and cup of tea to drink.