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A good night after a friendly start to it with Diana and then out for more logs and to settle down to my history project again; this time updating Paxton park, Grove House and planning to pursue Jack Ramply to see his document collection. A busy evening with Daniel and his homework, reading to Debbie and hearing of the news of the Medway being frozen, preventing navigation and of villages in Kent, Essex and Norfolk being cut off by snow falls. Ernest Saunders is sacked by Guinness after corruption during the Distillers takeover
Snuggled down with Di late last night and we were warm enough with our electric blanket to undertake pursuits that would normally be reserved for milder climes. Slept correspondingly well and awoke slowly to my morning tea. The children off to school safely again, although Daniel keeps forgetting to bring things home and we are running out of scarves and underwear for him. Read the paper and then went out to get some more large logs and small thinning to light the fire in my office. Got down to work on my history project and spent the day at it, burning three huge logs in the process. I completed the updating of Paxton Park, post war Little Paxton (the fires) etc and then started working my way through the gazettes of buildings and people that occupied them before the changes.

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Most of the day in my office working on Little Paxton History and looking after Della a few times to avoid Diana having to take her out in the freezing cold weather as I tended a huge log fire and then took Debbie horse-riding and received the papers from Kimbolton for Debbie’s entrance test and interview. John Major was taking all of the flack in the House of Commons concerning the North/South divide and the shameful level of homelessness at the same time as the news is full of financial corruption in the biggest scandal since the war
Slept well (having remembered to turn the electric blanket off) and was quite warm enough when I awoke to my morning tea. Lay in a while, relaxing and listening to the radio, before it was time to shower and shave. Dressed in time to join the children at breakfast for a change. It was Daniel’s first day back at school today and so Di was even more pre-occupied than normal. Got him away on time, but I insisted that he wore a school scarf and hood to protect him from the bitter cold. Looked out apprehensively to see if Pete was going to come, as I needed him to fill the log baskets. He did, and we piled them right up with small stuff and I also got him to bring in two huge logs that barely fitted into the fire place. I lit the fire in my office for the day and managed to burn down both of these monsters during the day.

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A slow start after a very cold night which froze the Great Ouse and I collected Norma and Charles in my 4WD Range Rover due to slippery roads and took us all to Cambridge for coffee at Eaden Lilleys and lunch at The Arts Theatre Buffet as The Copper Kettle was closed for refurbishment. Home, after buying some stamps for Debbie to start her collection, forgetting to call in at Vinters to sign the sales completion for 39 Gordon Road, and then to my office where I lit the fire after feeding the ducks and doves. Norway join Mexico in joining OPEC’s cut in oil production to protect the price, the dollar carries on falling and a bid by Tory MP’s to bring back the death penalty was lost by 175 votes to 110 and measures to curtail the BBC was thwarted by Douglas Hurd
Another desperately cold night – the river has now frozen, leaving only a small lake downstream, as it usually does. Had dropped off to sleep last night without turning down/off the electric blanket, but did not notice because of the cold. Sat in bed a while this morning, until Di took all the bedclothes off to make it, and waited until the bathroom heater had warmed up the room before showering and shaving. Dressed rather late and had a wheat flakes breakfast on my own. Soon Di was off to take Debbie to school and Dan and I looked after Daniella, to save her going out twice into the cold. I phoned Di’s parents and asked if they wanted us to collect them on our way to Cambridge. They are down a steep slope at Bar Hill, with slippery slopes and leapt at the idea. Poor Pete potters around in the garden, trying valiantly to make work in weather like this and I do not disillusion him, as I know they need the money. Away by Range Rover in 4-wheel drive to Cambridge, picking them up from Bar Hill, and parking at the Round Church car park.

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Venturing forth to the London Boat Show at Earls Court in our trusty Range Rover on London’s coldest-ever day since records began in 1940 with snow and ice defeating most motorists in max -7degC at noon but not us. The Thames Estuary at Westcliff was frozen 700 yards out! Looking at day boats and speed boast without decision as The Guinness Finance Chief resigns with the Chief Executive still to follow, Prince Edward quits the Marines and the Russians and Americans start manoeuvring in Geneva with some chance of arms control talks resuming
A very cold morning and some say the coldest in London since records began. Huntingdonshire is the coldest area too, as we are furthest from the sea and prone to extremes of temperature. The governments cold weather hardship payments to old people are ludicrous, as it would have to continue freezing until the end of the week before they would qualify for a £5 contribution, which is little enough anyway. Glad of our electric blanket, once more, and a warm bed, though it took a long while before my feet warmed up, nevertheless. Was a bit restless, thinking of the extent of my Little Paxton studies outstanding. Slow to rise early, but then got showered and dressed in time for breakfast with the family. Only wheat flakes, top of the milk and apple juice for the meal. A brief chat with Pete about my theories on why the weather vane fell and then off with Daniel in the Range Rover, after putting a shovel and extra socks in the back with a stout pair of wellington boots, in case we ran into trouble. Collected his friend Steve from Great Gransden and then set off across country in a southerly direction, joining the A1 north of Baldock.