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After a good lay in and my fried breakfast, I persuaded Daniel to help me with painting my quay-heading as I worked all day but has still had less than half of the total job done.
With echoes of the Marchioness disaster, 179 people are on board as a ship sinks after a collision on the Danube and an eight-year-old girl dies in Bletchley as a pile of wood falls on her from a trolley at a DIY store. Windy and cloudy but mainly dry today.
A good lay in this morning before down to breakfast for my fried meal in my dressing gown. A lively discussion with Daniel, after which he agreed to help me for a couple of hours this morning. We painted more of the river front and I continued the task this afternoon and evening but even then I have less than half of the total job done. Amazing, really, that the rain has not come we are still in the middle of a drought.
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After a rain shower and doing all the gardening and pet chores in the absence of Pete, the day spent priming the steel quay heading. The upsetting news of my Dad’s surgeon giving up on his ear cancer and referring him to the Radiographer and the amazing story of the irate housing benefit claimant protesting at delays by razing the benefit office and jumping to his death from a six-storey building. In Ulster, members of the UDR are charged with complicity in a scheme for revenge killings against Republicans
A slightly earlier night and a little more rested this morning, particularly as Di allowed me a bit of a lay in as well. Breakfast with the family and, whilst Daniel went off to school and Debbie was taken horse-riding by Diana, I went around doing all of the chores in the absence of Pete; such as feeding and watering the plants, fish and doves. I had hardly finished when it came on to rain slightly and looked like upsetting my plans to get on with painting the quay heading today.
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After a late start, a rush for preparing things for Di to get whilst in St Neots as I worked on our accounts until lunchtime. Bad news from Dad with his cancer as his new antibiotics do not help him but give him bad dreams.
A plane crash off the Danish coast with all 55 people on board feared dead, a soldier’s wife murdered by a shooting in Germany and the Football Association have cancelled the friendly match against Holland in response to calls from the government
After my late night, I was slow to rise, shower and dress and came down late to breakfast. There was then a rush to get several things ready for Di to take to St Neots. Financial transactions, press releases to post and hand-deliver and a photocopying toner cartridge to collect from Clover Office Supplies. I then worked on our accounts and got them up-to-date and made calls galore up until lunchtime.
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Meeting up with my accountant Roger Brittain to complete my personal and Trust tax returns and then joining the Little Paxton Village Hall storeroom rubbish-clearing endeavour before home for lunch and out purchasing all manner of necessary materials for our property and pony.
23 people killed and 100 injured in yesterday’s election-day violence in South Africa and after the reports of ‘rioting and looting’ by English soccer fans on the North Sea ferry Tor Britannia and in Sweden, they have all been released without charge
A late night and so little chance to sleep again, but I do not seem to need so much in this warm weather. Breakfast and then seeing the children off to school after which I had a short time to finish my preparation for the meeting with Roger Brittain, my accountant this morning. In fact, he phoned me, and I was able to get all the facts and figures ready that he needed in order to submit my tax forms for my personal and children’s trust affairs. We had a good meeting as a result, and I am satisfied that I am now up to date in more respects with my tax affairs than I have ever been since disposing of Comart.
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