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I stayed at home on a cooler and windier day today completing the layout for our Priory Ward focus newsletter as Diana went to Bedford to get ahead. A distressing letter from my Mum today, who wants to leave my Dad, and appalling news as an IRA bomb strike kills 10 Royal Marines bandsman and injures others seriously.
After my morning routine, I stayed at home today and worked on the Focus newsletter, laying out the complete Priory Ward edition by the end of the day. Diana went to Bedford to get her hair done and came back looking very nice. I checked on my Range Rover today and, though finished, the paint is soft and the car will only be ready tomorrow. I received a distressing letter from my Mum today. She says that she wants to leave Dad but, in their situation, I can’t see how it can happen and how it would solve anything.

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A trip to Huntingdon record office on a surprisingly warm and humid. Today to research the Cow Lane Godmanchester meadows where I was shocked to find that the land was subject to missing HDC manorial records! The afternoon working with Michael Pope and then this evening at the Southoe Parish meeting which was a nice friendly affair contrasting with that of St Neots town Council.
Plane and road accidents in the US claiming many lives, accusations in Ulster of unionists colluding with the security forces to target Catholics for execution and Hurricane Hugo is turning along the US coastline and half a million people have fled Georgia alone
A better night (at least it was long enough). After breakfast, I had to drive over to the Huntingdon Record Office to research the Cow Lane Godmanchester meadows and I got there just after 10am as arranged. I soon found out that this land had been held copyhold of Godmanchester Manor. This had been held by Godmanchester Borough, later joined with Huntingdon Town Council and finally taken over by the Huntingdonshire District Council (!).
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An early morning to join the family for breakfast and then I settled down at my computer to edit focus copy, we joined by Sally Percy and Michael to sort out the rest of the copy, after which I had to draft my initial reactions to the Huntingdonshire Draft Local Plan to brief Michael before his Town Council meeting tonight. I attended that meeting this evening with the Parish Chairman, but neither of us could speak. Later Diana and the family to the Kimbolton statute fair, where we won a goldfish.
I enjoyed a restful night, but I was still tired when Di woke me up at 7 am with my mug of tea. I forced myself out of bed, to dress and shower so as to arrive at breakfast for 7:30am. The children were quite quiet; Daniel seemed almost groggy as if you been up late to bed but he assured me that he had not. I settled down at my computer and edited and supplemented Sally Guinee’s new Focus copy on campaigns and recycling, which I have dubbed ‘Campaign Corner’. It is quite compelling staff will be read and appreciated.
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Up early for once on a dry and surprisingly warm day to read my last daily FT and then off to buy swimming pool accessories in Melrose and on to get some toner cartridges re-charged in Cambridge and to buy two folding bikes for the boat. Home via the Little Chef for lunch and then to collect Debbie from Kimbolton to be taught how to exercise Sundance on a lunging rein.
Then a quick shave, change and off to The HDC Environmental Services Committee meeting. Where I had two items of my own on the agenda and then late home to bed. Ferranti are struggling after an unwise US takeover, Ford also interested in a 15 % share in the UK luxury carmaker Jaguar and Hurricane Hugo has left 25 dead and 100,000 homeless in Puerto Rico
A very busy day for which I tried to get up a little early and managed to have breakfast with the others for once. We had the Financial Times newspaper daily for the last time today (as we had ordered The Independent from tomorrow except Saturdays) and so I scanned this edition. Once everybody were ready we then set off out – the children to school and Diana and I to Cambridge. We meant to start the morning in Cambridge, but we had to call at a swimming pool accessories place in Melrose.