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Up early to help get the children back to school and then a rush to the dentist in St Neots, after which we enjoyed coffee and did some shopping/chores. Home to tackle some electrical problems on The Lady before watching England draw with Sweden to qualify for the World Cup Finals with 100 fans arrested for rioting after being denies tickets. Problems for the South Africans in their unjust ‘All-White’ elections
I was late to bed but slept well and was reasonably rested when I was called at 7am, showered and dressed for breakfast and so was able to see the children off to school. They went all right and even Daniela seemed all right with her new teacher. Diana and I had a dentist appointment in St Neots at 9:15am and so we had to rush into town to get there on time. These days, you have to pay for check-ups, which is a scandal, but at least we were pronounced okay and will need no fillings etc.
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A poor night in an unfamiliar and warm bed, as I try to acclimatise before starting a busy day. After taking Debbie horse-riding, I tackled many constituency problems, receiving calls and visits from local residents who had heard I was back home.
Dad was taken to Addenbrooke’s Hospital today where he was prescribed stronger antibiotics but was not kept in.
A good meeting Chairing the Village Hall Management Committee and preparing to chair the St Neots Museum meeting next week at the end of the day helping my family and the community.
Much violence at the South African election as the blacks are excluded, Thatcher will visit Gorbachev in Moscow and the government is attacked at the TUC conference on another fine and sunny day
A poor night and less sleep than I needed due to the unfamiliar bed and warmth of the room. Diana left the spare room saying I was too fidgety, and she was probably quite right. Staying alternately such long periods at home and on the boat gives real problems of acclimatisation. Still we had a busy day in front of us. I said that Debbie could go horse riding this morning and evening and she was dressed and ready early and called for her friend Amy to come with us so I took them both.
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A warmer but unsettled night aboard The Lady and awake to find the heating not working. Some shopping and lunch in St Ives, before home by boat, arriving at teatime to unload the boat and settle in home. In the absence of the Village Hall Chairman I chaired the committee this evening.
Twelve holidaymakers die in a Cuban aircraft crash and rowdy England football supporters fight aboard the ferry with one of them lost overboard.
A rather unsettled night. The weather was milder than of late and I could not get comfortable in my sleeping bags. Just as well that it was warmer as our boat heating failed to come on this morning. It seemed to be a complete loss of power that will have to be looked into. After our morning routine, we all had a nice morning shopping in St Ives.
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The warm air heating soon warmed The Lady after another cool night and the kettle was boiled for hot drinks, after which I took Daniel for a walk around the marina to see the wreckage of an old lifeboat, surviving the attention of the noisy geese. Then a slow and steady cruise along the rest of the Old West River. Through Hermitage Lock and on to stop briefly at Westview Marina, Erith, for water and other supplies before on to Brown’s Hill Staunch, St Ives Lock to moor at Waits Quay where we had a ball game before spending a quiet evening there. It has been 50 years to the day since the war broke out between England and Germany on the day that my parents were married.
I was the first awake on a cold morning and so switched on the heating and lit the Calor gas boiler kettle for our morning drinks. Daniel complains that he had been particularly cold in the central saloon (‘bridge deck saloon’, in Banham’s parlance). Soon the hot air heating and all of the boat variably warm and we proceeded to shower all of the members of the family. The sun was warming and tussles with the colder air all day to give us periods of warmth and chill.
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