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A strong north-easterly breeze had blown up after it had rained hard overnight which made the house cold and so I put off my outside chores and worked on lots of correspondence this morning and most of the afternoon before making lots of calls to secure candidates for the forthcoming St Neots Town Council elections.
The News is of the Tory leadership election with all three candidates making conflicting claims on their level of support.
It had rained hard overnight and again later today so and, whilst this had taken the edge off of the cold air, a strong north-easterly breeze had blown up and this also made the house seem cold. I was late up and had breakfast in my pyjamas. Debbie was making a fuss about walking to the bus stop until, whilst rushing round to get her sports things which she had forgotten, she fell and hurt her ankle and so Diana had to take her to the bus-stop in the car after all! I put off my chores and worked on lots of correspondence this morning and for a fair part of the afternoon as well. The new VISA credit cards had come from the Co-op and so I was writing to cancel the Barclays Premier ones because of their costs.
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After the first cold night of the season, using our electric blankets, the family had breakfast, leaving Dan and Angela to have their later. Then a long morning session visiting colleagues and compiling our latest Focus edition, before all of us (except Debbie on a hack) enjoying a roast chicken lunch together. A restful afternoon watching TV after our guests had left for Norwich. The weather became bright again today after overnight mist here and fog elsewhere.
We had our electric blankets switched on last night again for the first time this season and we really appreciated them, it being so cold. Slept well consequently and was rested and relaxed this morning when Diana brought me my morning tea at 7.00am. She had a lay in but called me at the usual time. It was another cold morning, and I was glad also of my hot shave and shower before breakfast. I would have preferred to have delayed the family breakfast to have had the company of Daniel and Angela, but Diana had not arranged that and so the rest of us ate alone, but still it was a fine fried meal which we enjoyed. My morning chores afterwards as the lovebirds ate and then I finished off my own FOCUS copy and set off on a morning of gathering up that of my colleagues.
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After another cold night and start to the day, Di and I saw Debbie off to school Daniel introduced his girlfriend Angela to me and they seemed very relaxed together and enjoy one-another's company who is studying Chemistry and hopes to take advantage of a year in France as part of it. Daniel had a tyre damaged on his car and I gave him the money to replace it.
After lunch, I took Debbie and her friend down to the village hall for the "November Fayre" and, as Village Hall Vice-Chairman and Trustee, I overlooked proceedings and helped as the Chairman was not there. It was cold today but dry apart from a few showers.
It was cold last night and again this morning. A cold wind was whistling through the gaps in the doors left as a result of the draft-proofing being removed by the decorators. Diana, I and the girls were up at the normal time and saw Debbie off to school after breakfast, but Daniel and his girl friend, Angela, were laying in bed in their separate rooms until much later. Breakfast and my morning chores before lighting a log fire in my office and settling down to write up these last couple of days' journal. Di was first to meet Angela when they came to breakfast and then Daniel introduced her to me in my office later. She is a nice, quiet, studious type of girl; slim with short black hair and modestly attractive. They seem very relaxed together and enjoy one-another's company. She is studying Chemistry and hopes to take advantage of a year in France as part of it.
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The Post Thatcher Era began with a decidedly wintry feel to the weather today as US President Bush seemed somewhat pole-axed by the news and European countries were duly respectful but glad to see the back of her. All three successor candidates for her position will reconsider the Poll Tax but Major is the most Thatcherite and Heseltine the most radical.
I was involved in a long series of telephone calls not only about the provision of FOCUS copy for the forthcoming issue but were also about local and national affairs. This evening, I collected some colleagues and drove to visit the Chritchley family in Ramsey to try and establish a Liberal Democrat presence there and missed Daniel arriving with his new girlfriend.
The nation was in a state of delayed shock and surprise today over the demise of Margaret Thatcher yesterday with the world awakening to the news and struggling to understand how it could have come about. It seems always the case that other nations overlook the domestic status of world leaders; and then have no knowledge of foreign domestic policies nor recognition of other political personalities. US President Bush was somewhat pole-axed by the news and European countries respectful but glad to see the back of her. She had always sought to keep Britain on the fringes of EEC development rather than at the centre of them and tried to keep Britain closer to the older "special relationship" with America.
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