After the clock change back from Summer Time, I resumed work on the garage, borrowing Jack’s ratchet winch to square the structure as I jacked it up and got blocks underneath. Daniel visited to do his washing and had a cup of tea and chat. A long job clearing up ready to leave and return home to Little Paxton. Dan and Debbie have been studying hard and Della has a cold.
Thatcher is in complete isolation at the EEC summit as all the other eleven members agreed to adopt a single European currency by 1994 and were not at all worried to discuss agricultural policy
I woke earlier this morning and had my morning drink and ate breakfast as dawn broke. The clocks had been put back overnight (from 2.00am to 1.00am) and I was still really thinking in British Summer Time, even though we were back to Greenwich Mean Time. I managed to complete my morning routine and then got out to work by 8.30am. I started to jack the garage up even further, aiming to have it up to a level of two blocks today, but the front section started to creep out of alignment (as it was already out of square) and so I had to stop. Jack popped by with a spirit level and I chatted to him about the job and it turned out that he had a portable ratchet winch at home and I arranged to pick that up later. In the meantime, I pre-fabricated the last section of replacement wooden framing and then collected the winch from him later and it seemed just the job.
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I popped in to Wroxham for a take-away lunch whilst I was out and, just after I had returned and was preparing to connect up the winch, Daniel arrived to do his washing! I had a chat, and he seems OK but he is having to work a little harder on his pure mathematics and the honeymoon period is over. In fact, he managed to get down to it yesterday and worked on which is why he did not come to Heronshaw then. He stayed long enough to do his washing and was going to rush back to spend a few hours in the computer lab on a project but I managed to persuade him to stay for a mug of tea and we had another chat. He gave me the address for him at the University of East Anglia (Room WTB305; Waverley Terrace, Block B, Floor 3, Room 5!) and actually agreed to a visit from Mum and me when we are next down together. I worked on with the garage until dusk, using the winch to square the structure, replacing the last of the woodwork and then jacking it up to a block dimension on edge, chocked further to try and get the garage level for the first time in many years. It was a long job clearing up after all of the work, putting the tools away and then loading up the car.
It was another job again, tidying up the bungalow and packing my things and I was shattered when I eventually left for home. A steady journey listening to Handel's Water Music, which was one of my cassettes which I had taken off the boat for the winter. I decided not to call in on my relatives on this occasion and went straight home instead to arrive by about 8.30pm. I wound down by reading some newspapers and then went to bed. Debbie was revising Geography until late as it was back to school for her tomorrow and she had forgotten a test was due. Poor Della has another cold and was under the weather and had an early night. The news is of Thatcher's complete isolation at the EEC summit. All the other eleven members (Britain dissenting) have agreed to adopt a single European currency by 1994 and were not at all worried to discuss agricultural policy.