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Commemorating my old Dad's birthday by refreshing flowers on his grave, sorting out the gardener over the compost heap chipping and dealing with a reluctant Nigel before catching up with my journal.
Prime Minister is getting involved in the Ulster crisis and will be presenting his own proposals for new talks but immediately the Unionists laid down preconditions as broadcasters dub actors voices onto video recordings of interviews with Gerry Adams.
More complaints from absent fathers pursued by The Child Support Agency
It has now been nearly four years since Dad died after just passing his 75th birthday and, in honour and remembrance of this, we replaced the flowers on his grave. The weather has continued dull and cold and there was little breeze when we were up at the cemetery. It was also a reminder for us to organise Mum's gravestone soon, using another monumental mason if necessary. The day started with a row over the storage of my clothes as I accused Diana of losing a pair of my jeans and then just stuffing all of my clothes onto the wardrobe shelves.
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Sorting out my shredder on a dull, cold and dreary day with Arthur Ibbett's of Great Paxton, and finally completing the drawings and planning application for our Cambridge Street redevelopment with a distracted Nigel.
#An evening cinema trip with Diana to see "The Piano" at Peterborough but we were disappointed with the experience.
The morning scramble for me to get out with the dog and for Diana to get the girls ready for school. They all went out quite happily in the end and we had bolstered up Della's morale, in particular, by praising her holiday short story highly. Some time with the gardener upon my return who continued to have problems with the shredder. He had evidently taken it into Ibbett's of Great Paxton for repair where they had repaired a valve and replaced a cylinder head gasket but still had problems upon its return on getting it to run under load and without vibration.
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