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More floods, rain and gales affecting both Paxton and Horning on Remembrance Sunday when I trained Sam with many water retrieves.
I then loaded up the Range Rover and rescued two of Daniel’s friends marooned the other side of the flooded River Kym. Poor Diana had forgotten her plan for us to go to the parade service with her Brownies at St James Church
The overnight wind strengthened into a gale, moved to the north-west and with the driving rain made for some harsh conditions when I went out to take the dog for a walk. The river had risen steadily and was over the lower lawns and half way up the banks on my riverside frontage. I took Sam over to Mill Meadow where the water was flooding on to the field so that I had to walk around the raised banks and even then, could not go right to the end for the flooding. I continued my policy of giving him experience in water and threw him two dummies into the navigation stretch. Though not as fast-flowing as the sluice side; the lock guillotine was up and the flow fast enough to give Sam experience of being swept along.
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Writing my journal and walking Sam on a pouring wet day visiting Brampton Garden Centre with the family for lunch as Debbie went to stay the night at her friend, Tabatha's, house.
Changing the chemical regime for the swimming pool as the river was rising fast and so I turned the dinghies over and tied them up to keep them from floating away.
A complete departure for the weather as it was raining from dawn to dusk today. I was grateful for my new camouflage jacket and waterproof trousers in which to take Sam for his walks. Another very good day for him as I tried him with all types of retrieves both over and in water and he performed smartly and willingly. To Brampton Garden Centre with the family for lunch and to allow me to get another collapsible wooden compost bin. Just Debbie was not there because, at last and after many cancellations and much former disappointment, she actually went to stay the night at her friend, Tabatha's, house.
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Working at home, writing letters and struggling with training Sam whilst also visiting Nigel at Hail Weston. An evening trip to Peterborough to see "Mr Wonderful", a well-scripted, acted and directed film which both Diana and I enjoyed.
fine, clear and chilly day. I stayed at home for most of it whilst Diana did a combination of Tesco and present shopping in Bedford. Correspondence and bill-paying took up most of my time and I also progressed the matter of my mother’s grave memorial by trying to patch up my relationship with Kent Memorials via Cobbolds. A small trip over to Hail Weston to drop off their letter and also to see Nigel and collect some cash that he owed me for our sporting trip.
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A fine, clear but chilly day training Sam and working at home. News from Nigel was that the paint-balling was off for Remembrance Sunday and I was relieved at this news.
A large part of the day also telephoning and writing to Fountain Forestry, complaining about them trying to overcharge me for my deer stalking.
A fine and clear day, though chilly with the wind from the northern quarter. Two good runs and another day-time training session with Sam who is doing quite well. He walks to heel a little better and is both very steady and very good to the dummy launcher; retrieving dual dummies both up and downwind. I tried to call Jim Bird and see how he was doing but could not find him at home.
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