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A more restful day after yesterday as I dropped round to give Nigel a bottle of whisky on his birthday.
It was markedly colder today but still fine and dry as I encountered house heating issues for the Eastern Gas service engineer to fix as I took the family out to lunch at A.J.'s.
Watching England win at Rugby League on the TV and then taking Diana out to watch the film, ‘Dave’ at Bedford cinema.
be expected that I was going to be very tired today. Even the warm bath last night was not enough to stop my limbs aching and, after taking Sam for his morning walk, I opted against rushing to clear the garden and build a bonfire for the evening. I bought Nigel a bottle of Scotch and a card whilst out with Della and Sam this morning and then dropped it round to Hail Weston House today, his birthday.
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A mild day after a misty start ideal for leaf clearance/gardening and I also spent some time training Sam on his walks but there was no bonfire on Guy Fawkes night.
I did progress highway access issues for our Cambridge Street properties and expect no issues to hold us up.
Not such a good night than of late as I first felt very warm and so discarded much bedding but was then very cold and woke up again! I was reluctant to rise but then got down to breakfast in time and out with Sam. He had a good run this morning; quartering well and even starting to point and found two hen pheasants. I saw a woodcock today in the pits complex for the first time. Sam did not get so much attention this evening and just had an ordinary run, but I let him out and kept him by me all morning whilst I worked in the garden.
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Working with gardener Pete to continue muck spreading on the games lawn and plant beds and then meeting with Andy Carmichael of the HDC Planning Department who was amenable to our plans for converting Nos 50-52 Cambridge Street. into four flats.
Then to my gardening as I needed the physical exercise as my weight has gone up to over fourteen and a half stone. Daniel saw Dawn last night and had a letter from Angela and then rushed out to post a letter tonight to keep his correspondence going.
The milder and dry weather of late continued today and the gardener was able to finish off the spreading of the lawn top-dressing after I had given him his instructions. I kept clear and let him get on with it but, after he had finished work at lunchtime, I went out and spread most of the remaining mature compost heap onto the plant beds in the front garden. My aim is to create the space that I need for shredding the remainder of our garden rubbish and the leaves that are now falling fast and also to possibly build a bonfire for Guy Fawkes night
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The start of my 47th Birthday opening my cards and presents so that the family were not late for work/school. There was a little rain overnight and a few light showers today but the mostly dry weather was accompanied by much milder temperatures which came as a relief. A walk with Sam, concentrating mainly on obedience and quartering
and got him to do several launcher-dummy, throwing dummy and water retrieves. Home to change and wash before tea and then the drive to Biggleswade to collect the latest revision of the drawings for Cambridge Street.
The main news today was of an Anglo-Irish government meeting on the future of Ulster and the problems of the government trying to get its rail Privatisation Bill past a reluctant House of Lords.
It was a rough start to the day as Sam was awake before 6.00am, whining for no apparent reason and we wondered if the milkman had come early today. He soon settled down again and I therefore managed an hours rest before my shower and birthday breakfast. Some consternation from the family over getting my cards and presents ready in time for me to open but I was able to do it and they were not late for work/school. A walk with Sam, concentrating mainly on obedience and quartering and was surprised to see another dog, once very obedient, now runs scared of Sam leaving his handler very concerned.
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