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A day that started foggy but cleared to be quite bright and not too cold and so I opted to do some maintenance work on The Hayling View.
Out with Diana and the girls later to the St Neots Market Square fair for which and Radio Chiltern was conducting a live broadcast for the Christmas Lights
Poor Daniel was not feeling very well this morning but still went to work and lasted the day satisfactorily. I got going and out with the dog in good time and back to the bus stop to see the girls off to school for the second day running. It started foggy but cleared to be quite bright and not too cold and so I opted to do some maintenance work on The Hayling View during the day. I was taking off and trimming the playroom doors so that they actually fitted for the first time since we had the new carpet fitted.
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On a milder but showery day, walking the girls to the school bus stop with Sam and then catching up with paperwork and monitoring the weather.
Steven Bloom visited and we stayed up late with Daniel and Jason working on the computers.
The temperatures were up considerably today but not before I got very cold in the night and had to adjust the bedclothes. Up and out earlier than of late and I actually managed to get Sam toileted in time to join the girls at the bus stop. A long walk back via the old Great North Road and the playing field and then a chance to catch the gardener and to chat to him about not having seen so much of him lately. He had no real reason and just muttered on about "getting old" and so I deduce that he just did not fancy coming in on those mornings, which is a problem.
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Walking Sam around the outskirts of Little Paxton Wood on a bitterly cold day, catching up with paperwork and watching Norwich lose their first leg to Inter Milan by a single penalty goal.
The James Bulger murder trial ended today with guilty verdicts the result for the two eleven-year-old boys that had murdered the three-year-old.
The weather continued bitterly cold with no let up and I opted for thermal underwear, two pairs of socks and jumpers and coats to take Sam out for his morning walk. I gave him a change to encourage his hunting today. After a small walk along the towpath for him to relieve himself in familiar circumstances, I put him in the back of the car and took him to the outskirts of Little Paxton Wood.
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Walking Sam before and after making a Cambridge visit to see Di’s parents and see the latest laptop computer models and software.
Some telephone calls to estate agents to sort through the suitable houses for purchase but nothing of particular value. Daniel had some good news today as his M.G. passed the MOT test.
The temperature keeps dropping day by day but we all survive the experience. Sam does not seem to mind being in his outside kennel during it all and is still as enthusiastic as ever for his walks, morning and night. I have been letting him socialise with a number of the neighbouring dogs recently and he has gained from the experience. His obedience improves as he quietens down and he is still as good as ever with his retrieving, but his quartering is quite out of my control as he is content to hunt for himself.