A good day with Jim driving to Harlow for dog training
A good day with Jim driving to Harlow for dog training

I good day with Jim driving to Harlow for dog training as he was brought by his dad who was most interested in the Red Stag that I had stalked with his son. Sam’s training went quite well

I had to carry on my chores as Jimmy was to arrive around 11.00am. Pay for the cleaner and gardener to make up, more packing to do and the car to prepare for, not only today's journey to Harlow, but tomorrow's to Derbyshire as well.

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I did not make a call to Wiggly so as to let her sleep in. Jimmy was brought by his Dad who was most interested in the Red Stag that I had stalked with his son. I gave them a cup of tea and talked to Mr Bird at length about pigeon racing with him before he left and we got ready to go with the dogs down to Harlow. A Little Chef lunch on the way and then we arrived first out of the handlers and dogs for the afternoon session.

The training went quite well. The Club Secretary (who owns the Brittany) was our instructor and we had to do a series of obedience, retrieving and water work which comprised quite a full programme that the dogs managed quite well. His authoritarian methods were aggravating to some but I was pleased to be doing so much. The journey back and then an early night to get some rest for another early start in the morning.