I awoke with a cold which was uncomfortable before a long walk with Sam, getting him to quarter a large field of stubble satisfactorily.

Then a family visit to Cambridge to see Di's parents in the Eadon Lilley's Coffee Shop. The rain increased this evening until it ended up as a full-blown thunderstorm.

The second two-day rail strike has been called and the "Jackal" terrorist has been seized in Sudan and brought back to France for prosecution.

The IRA are still bombing UK targets with the party conferences right up in the frame.

I again slept like a log last night, only waking with Diana in the middle of it when we found the volume of bed clothes too much for the limited ventilation, I still awoke with a cold which was uncomfortable, and this was to bother me the rest of the day.

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A long walk with Sam, getting him to quarter a large field of stubble which he did satisfactorily. This made me too late for Diana for our journey to Cambridge, but I soon cheered her up and got us underway.

We parked in the Round Church Car Park and then found her parents just arrived in the Eadon Lilley's Coffee Shop where we had a nice chat and coffee together so that they could meet the girls. Then some time with Della together in Robert Sayle's getting her some more shoes.

I did my usual trick of seeking out the management to complain about the waiting time to be seen, suggesting that they have more staff serving and, of course, this embarrassed my family no end. I went on to the library with Della after whilst Diana did more shopping with Debbie and then we met up back at the car for the drive home.

A sandwich lunch at home and the afternoon catching up on my journal of these last eventful days. The day started sunny but ended with showers as I walked Sam again before tea. The rain increased this evening until it ended up as a full-blown thunderstorm. Worked on my arrangements for the week and also made a succession of telephone calls accordingly.

I will now go to see Jim for the evening tomorrow to complete some training and we will go through with our plans to attend the Cleveland Pointing Test on Sunday as well. The second two-day rail strike has been called and the cumulation of disruption is enormously damaging the interests of rail travel.

The government do not care as they are just concerned to break the strike whatever the cost or damage. The "Jackal" terrorist has been seized in Sudan and brought back to France for prosecution and the IRA are still bombing UK targets with the party conferences right up in the frame.