The far from picturesque Bedford Cinema
The far from picturesque Bedford Cinema

To the bus stop with the girls and pleased to see how friendly the Paxton Kimbolton Schoolchildren are. I caught Diana in the bedroom with mixed results.

Then to get the Christmas decorations and wrapping papers etc. out of the lofts.

Before to the cinema in Bedford for the afternoon with Di. I called on Wiggly this evening and we had a nice chat and cuddle for an hour or two.

I was still tired this morning, and it took a lot of effort to get up and showered in time for breakfast and the walk to the bus stop with the girls.

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I am pleased to see how friendly the Paxton Kimbolton Schoolchildren are when they meet for it is often the case that youngsters of different ages bicker and fall out.

I think that this is down to me as I always bring the quiet ones into the conversation and this time it was young Hugh who looked glum.

A walk with Sam past the roadworks that still disrupt traffic through Mill Lane and then some dummy training to try to get him to hold the dummies and present then nicely on the retrieve.

A chat with the gardener and handyman, consulting with the latter on his fitting-out job on Daniel's cupboard and consoling him on his cracking one of the conservatory glass roofing panels when up there cleaning recently.

Not enough pigeons on the rape opposite today and, though the weather was nice and sunny after a cool start to the day, I stayed in and caught Diana in our bedroom.

I made the effort to have sex with her to improve our relationship and allay any of her remaining fears, but this proved to be quite a job.

Though she was quite keen and cooperative, she has put on so much weight in her legs and tummy that it was all I could do to get near enough to penetrate her!

I cannot really hold this against her as I know that she takes refuge in food when unhappy and I have caused her the major part of her insecurity recently.

At least I now know why large women often have small and slim partners as in no other way would they be able to make love! Time afterwards to get the Christmas decorations and wrapping papers etc. out of the lofts for soon it will be time to dress the house and tree.

A little time reading and writing up my journal and then Diana back from town to provide lunch before we went out to the cinema in Bedford for the afternoon.

I got Diana and Daniel on to the task of sorting out his stores of old and unwanted things after the handyman had finished fitting out the cupboard tonight.

I went out for a couple of hours to avoid the mayhem and got criticized for it. Under the guise of returning some things to Nigel that he had left in my car, I went out and called on Wiggly this evening and we had a nice chat and cuddle for an hour or two.

I felt guilty at distracting her from her only scheduled evening in doing chores, but I think we both appreciated the chance to meet after the other day.