Confirmation of the Tories appalling Euro-election results after which there were more calls from his party for John Major’s resignation
Confirmation of the Tories appalling Euro-election results after which there were more calls from his party for John Major’s resignation

On another warm and sunny day, confirmation of the Tories appalling Euro-election results after which there were more calls from his party for John Major’s resignation.

A good walk with Sam who I find is always better-behaved with other dogs after trips to his events. He also did a nice water retrieve with a difficult entry and quartered well and was in the act of pointing a pair of partridges when I called him off inadvertently.

More work with the Town Council LibDem group and post-election admin. Nigel Smith dropped by, anxious to salt away a picnic hamper and contents so that Lynn would not know he had been out philandering instead of working!

Like yesterday, we had more warm and sunny weather and just about no wind. With quite fresh air and low humidity, it was still comfortable and very nice.

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A good sleep, even after my late night, and confirmation of the Euro election results where the Conservatives lost nearly half of their seats to end up with less than 20. Along with them, they lost their Leader, Sir Christopher Prout, their Chairman Bill Newton-Dunn, their Chief Whip, Lord Inglewood and their longest-serving MEP, Lord Bethell and they will not be exactly content with the party and its EuroPolicies and leadership at the moment.

Already, Tory MP, Tony Marlow, has repeated his call for John Major's resignation. A good walk with Sam who I find is always better-behaved with other dogs after trips to his events. He also did a nice water retrieve with a difficult entry and quartered well and was in the act of pointing a pair of partridges when I called him off inadvertently.

Calls to John Roscoe and Sally Guinee to ease things along today as I hope that we have the Town Council Group on the mend and the by-election plans started. Calls later to Derek Giles and then Percy Meyer in similar vein after he had been to speak to Michael Pope about returning to take on a senior role.

It seems that Michael will remain branch treasurer and would be willing to be Vice-Chairman but would not be Chairman which is a pity. Time updating my journal and continuing to archive previous months which have got very far behind. It was the first day of the girls' school exams today, but they went off quite happily and Debbie did another spell of training for her 1500m school sports event.

Della was off to Brownies as usual. Diana was less happy as she discovered that her dish-washing machine had sprung a leak and the water had soaked all along the kick-boards of her fitted kitchen.

I was working away in my office this morning when first Mark Rainer came by to collect some computer election data and return a few things and then this was interrupted by the arrival of Nigel Smith; anxious to salt away a picnic hamper and contents so that Lynn would not know he had been out philandering instead of working! We had a few whiskies together and the longest chat we had for a good while.