To see Diana's parents in Cambridge and noting that they had aged since we once knew them
To see Diana's parents in Cambridge and noting that they had aged since we once knew them

Quite a sunny and bright morning for walking Sam and then joining Diana for a trip to Cambridge to see her aging parents. Then a day of office work and telephone calls

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It was quite a sunny and bright morning to start the new month but a little chillier than of late when I took Sam out early to be ready to join the girls for the walk to the bus stop. Della walked Sam again and is getting quite confident with him.

A road walk along Gordon Road and Mill Lane for him to get used to the traffic and then past the empty Windmill Cottage and into the rough field behind. It had been a few weeks since I had joined Diana for her trip to Cambridge to meet her parents for coffee and so I decided to do so today.

I found them quite fit and well. Although they think that Charles is rather peaky and "off-colour", he seemed all right to me; if a bit thin and suffering from some creosote burns to the side of one eyelid.

There is no doubt, however, that he is older than Norma and does not carry his years too well. I have formed the view that, apart from major illnesses and calamities, people live to advanced years on the basis of their own activities, interests and behaviour and so Norma will undoubtedly outlive him.

Lunch of soup, jacket potato and salad at the Vegetarian Restaurant and then home in mid-afternoon to do some more paperwork. A relaxed evening and quite early to bed after a number of telephone calls.