Irish Premier Albert Reynolds was putting pressure on John Major to accept the good faith of the IRA by meeting Seinn Feinn leader, Gerry Adams
Irish Premier Albert Reynolds was putting pressure on John Major to accept the good faith of the IRA by meeting Seinn Feinn leader, Gerry Adams

As Diana took the girls on an outing, I slept in and then returned to dog training and paperwork.

This as the Irish Premier Albert Reynolds was putting pressure on John Major to accept the good faith of the IRA by meeting Seinn Feinn leader, Gerry Adams in Dublin today

I had planned a much more relaxing day as Diana was taking my car and, with it, the girls for an outing.

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They were going to Wickstead Park if it was fine or the Kettering Leisure Centre if it rained but the day started dry and continued thus.

I was called quite late and was sound asleep until then and was the last to have breakfast. Della had helped Di prepare my porridge by stirring it on the stove.

A long walk for two hours afterwards with Sam. Some more use of the starting pistol to make him sit and not run in to shot, a long and difficult memory retrieve performed well and then some quartering on the rough ground by the coating plant.

The first time he kept boring forward until he came to the spot that we found game a couple of days ago but then he ran better on some rape stubble.

The long walk back through the village to aid obedience at heel and then, though he could have gone on for ever, I was tired and came home to sit with my feet up reading the newspaper and drinking coffee for an hour.

Until a latish lunch-time catching up on these last two days' journal and then I made my own meal of a smoked salmon salad with raspberries and ice cream to follow and ate it watching the midday news.

The Irish Premier is putting pressure on John Major to accept the good faith of the IRA by meeting Seinn Feinn leader, Gerry Adams in Dublin today; the first time such a meeting has ever taken place.

Perhaps we should allow Major to be reluctant for a little while as he himself was a target for murder by the republicans three years ago; but he has to come around soon.