Tony Blair was hosting a breakfast at The Dorchester
Tony Blair was hosting a breakfast at The Dorchester

Recovering after a hangover and then spending the day and evening managing a productive if stressed Huntingdon Constituency Meeting.

I got Percy elected as Chairman, Charles Looker as Vice-Chairman, Mark Rainer as Computer Data Officer, and got a personal endorsement for my enquiry.

John Major now has major problems on his hands over today's European Common's vote and Tony Blair was hosting a breakfast at The Dorchester with many top businessmen

I felt really hung over this morning and smelt of curry as well which made an interesting start to the day! I heard from the others, and we were all feeling ill which Nigel put down to the curry, but I felt was just that we had all stayed out too late and drunk too much.

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It was fun though! The news first of John Major now has major problems on his hands over today's European Common's vote. He is playing one of his last cards by opting to speak in the debate himself to rein in the Euro-rebels and woo the disaffected Ulster Unionists.

Tony Blair is hosting a breakfast at The Dorchester with many top businessmen. In Belgium, police used water cannon and riot gear to stave off trouble from English football fans but the majority of the supporters were well-behaved and just lacked tickets and upset by their treatment. It seems that there may not have been a conspiracy to defraud the Barings Merchant Bank and it was just incompetent lack of control after all.

Email exchanges with Wiggly but today was a busy day for both of us. The pity was that she did not get one of my messages until late and we missed the chance for a chat on the telephone. I spent most of it sweating away on my St Ives LibDem report. The summary of past documents and events took full shape with a few more full envelopes arriving in the post last night and again this morning for the end February deadline.

A rush to get everything copied off and then to get out for my meeting. It was another very long and rough meeting, with an agenda full of items and only so much time to cover them. Chris Slee was his normal determined and difficult self and Alicia Davidson was making emotional and irrational appeals on behalf of Stuart who came for the first five minutes and then left. Earlier,

I had been warned that Alicia was going to put in a disciplinary motion against Angela about the alleged leaks of LibDem information. We had reports that it was her that was talking to the Tories. I called her, and then the motion's seconder John Roscoe, and got them to withdraw it so that the accusations could be dealt with my by inquiry, written evidence secured and then Angela approached personally in the first instance.

Later both Chris and Angela on the one hand and Alicia on the other were determined to have a row over FOCUS in St Ives which rather spoiled the mood but before that we had got Percy elected as Chairman, Charles Looker as Vice-Chairman, Mark Rainer as Computer Data Officer, and then I had got a personal endorsement of the fact of my enquiry and the methods I was using in the investigation.

A sub-committee would be set up to develop FOCUS policy with John Roscoe and John Bush on it. To bed very late again, after working for some time with my CIX email messages in order to try to calm down after the meeting.