Time spent between training Sam, taking Di to the cinema, seeing Wiggly and working for the LibDems
Barings Bank has been bought by Dutch bank, IMG, so that all of the depositor's money is safe.
**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**
This package has to be put to the courts as the company is in Administration.
Nick Leason has written to his bosses attempting to explain his departure and resignation due to "being on the verge of a nervous breakdown". The Spanish Peseta and Portugese escudos have both been devalued by 7%, the fourth time since 1992.
Postal workers are holding a 24-hour strike against the closure of Crown Offices and franchising of them into private shops.
A slow start to the day, washing my hair and arriving late to breakfast and staying there until the girls left for school. I took more time with Sam's exercise today, taking along retrieving dummies and getting him to do a variety of retrieves in the morning sunshine.
This done, I went back to my office to open the mail, see Diana off to the shops and then receive a telephone call from Wiggly by prior Email exchange with her! The poor thing was suffering from a bad cold and sore throat and was set to take the rest of the day off.
To Bedford with Di, having lunch with her at the Pizza Hut and then to the cinema afterwards where we saw the film, "Wild Water" which was quite exciting and enjoyable. Once back, I took Sam out in the Land Rover ostensibly to run him at Molesworth but I used the opportunity to pop in to see Wiggly who was at home but much better with her cold.
She had been catching up on her paperwork and I was also able to use her Psion/PC Link to copy my new Read-CIX version 2.2 over whilst there. She had also dropped her car into the garage to get the windscreen wiper arm replaced and I was able to give her a lift back there on my way home.
Sam still got a good run on the track going into the countryside from Priory Hill and I encouraged him to quarter far and wide on the rape fields which exercised him considerably so that he did not miss out.
Home just in time for tea and then soon to get ready for my evening meeting at Hail Weston, taking with me copies of two controversial letters from Stuart Littlewood to Percy Meyer.
The circumstances of my meeting there was confused in that our 7.30pm starting time overlapped with another meeting of the LibDem Town Council Group.
This was either due to start at 7.00pm or 8.00pm depending on what each of them had been told and there were people coming and going all the time!
At least, I got elected as Chairman of my meeting and was able to conduct its business satisfactorily. Then I popped round to see Wiggly later and had a chat, cuddle and Bournevita before leaving her to go to bed at around 11.00pm.