Ice Creams in the factory on a scorching day of Press interviews and record sales
Another very hot and sunny day. Temperatures up in the mid 80’s this afternoon. I took the unusual step of calling an Ice Cream Van into the car park and allowing employees to bring ice creams into their sections which was a welcome relief at 3.00pm. The day catching up with paperwork and, before lunch, calculating the new mileage rates and determining the car qualifications for senior executives. A quick dash to town in the hot sun to bank my pay cheque and buy another chuck key so that boat repairs could resume.
I was interviewed by many more computer journals today and noticed my letter was published in Informatics with reference to financial institutions and micros. BMMG Treasurer Graham Clifton called and is also dealing with several BMMG matters most actively. Shipments today closed for the end of the month close to the budget of £312K sales and £98K margin – a satisfactory July. A good project in the DHSS Youth Training Scheme for several hundred systems from this autumn onwards.
A hot evening working on repairs to The Lady’s rear cabin. A good push this weekend and I will have finished the top structure.