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A walk to the dressed well and fete at Holywell and then from The Waits to the GOBA Hemingford mooring aboard The Lady on a hot and sunny day *!!!*
*!!!* A good walk and shop around St Ives as I secure a good fresh water pipe (hose) and fitting to use riverside taps. Use it for the first time and it works fine at The Waits Quay. An outboard motor trip in the dinghy to L.H.Jones Boatyard to look at water fillings. Then with the family to St Ivo Pool and a swim. Then a long walk across field and ditches by an old footpath to Holywell.

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Ely to The Waits aboard The Lady on a quiet dull and cold boating day *!!!* as the first woman US astronaut returns on the Shuttle
*!!!* A dull, cold day for once with slight rain in the air from time to time. A morning’s shopping in Ely and I retrieve the 2HP Mariner from Ely’s Chandlers after a service and buy a wall mounted gimballed paraffin lamp that is romantic but of poor light source. We cruise back through the Old West River and through locks at Hermitage, Brownshills and St Ives to a shivery end at St Ives Waits Quay.

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Jude’s Ferry to Ely aboard The Lady !***! on a colder and breezy day and some swimming as Thatcher brings vote on Hanging.
Back to earth with the news. Yesterday the mortgage rate was raised by a distressing 11/4% to 111/4%; Alliance candidates marched to parliament for a lobby for Proportional Representation, the Queen’s Speech offered more of the same at the State Opening of parliament; and England were eliminated from the Prudential World cricket cup by India.

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Prickwillow via Isleham village to Judes Ferry aboard The Lady on a fine but cool day and some local politics
Another fine but cooler day with a good deal of cloud cover. Slight showers from time to time, not nearly enough to wet the ground. We wake late at 8.30am and take some arousing. The Prickwillow mooring is a pleasant one and has attracted two other overnight boats. A morning shop at the General Store for milk but no papers and off to set upstream towards Isleham, arriving at Isleham Lock at about noon. The lock-keeper is now breeding trout and has three full ponds interconnected by what he calls an ‘irrigation’.

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Summer solstice for a cruise from Ely and up The Lark to Prickwillow aboard The Lady on a sunny but cool day after we buy Daniel’s first 2HP outboard motor. The Pope starts Glasnost and the communist block fall.
Another fine morning after early cloud had been burnt through by the strong sun. The Northerly breeze has kept us cool since Friday and today was no exception. A walk to the centre of Ely and the purchase of provisions including much fruit such as Strawberries, Pears, Apples & Melon. On the way back to the boat we purchase a 2HP Mariner outboard motor which we will soon have bolted to The Lady’s tender. Daniel quickly learns how to start and use it and is happy to cruise up and down and help clock up the hours towards the 10/15 needed for the first free service.