
My urinary tract infection was taking hold again, despite the antibiotics, and both sitting, reading and working was very difficult but at least the gas engineer came and fixed the central heating, Daniel helped with the ducks and doves and Diana managed to make Debbie’s tea party a success. This as the government is under severe pressure and defensive about British Leyland being sold to foreign owners, the Philippines is a powder keg after the disputed elections and the Iran/Iraq War gets nasty

Slept well, but awoke to uncomfortable pains and aches in my lower stomach, which were worse when I passed water – and all the time I suffer from a dull headache and flushed feeling of a temperature. Later today I measured my temperature at 100.4 degF! This is a pity, because in the first day of taking the antibiotics I had experienced a noticeable improvement, but now I seem to be slipping back again. Mrs Jackson was here today to help Di look after the baby, as she was organising a tea party for Debbie. After being chased yesterday, the British Gas engineer came late this morning and fixed our central heating, which was a blessed relief.

An uncomfortable day with my aches and flushes and not much on the TV to take my mind off it. It took all day in snatches to read my paper, due to my headache and reluctance to sit up. Debbie had a good party and after, I got Daniel to attend to the ducks and doves, who were very hungry. An early night and no chance today to write up my journal. News was of the government defending fiercely against criticism of its British Leyland plans – accusing all else of anti-Americanism. The boycott goes on in the Philippines in an explosive atmosphere. Iraq shoots down a Boing 707 of Iran and the two differ as to whether it contains civilians or supplies. This nasty war, which has already seen Iraq using mustard gas against the Iranian fanatics, is being bitterly fought. Iran has won large tracts of land in the exposed southern tip of Iraq close to Kuwait, but Iraq still has air superiority. The European Parliament vote in favour of closing Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant until the enquiry is complete. The weather forecast is for no change – yet again!